Suggested Reading List:
- White, W.M., 2015: Isotope Geochemistry. Wiley, 496 pp.
- Faure, G., Mensing T.M., 2004: Isotopes: Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,New York, NY.
- Đurić, S., B., (2002) Metode istraživanja u kristalografiji, Beograd-Čačak, ITN SANU.
- Gržetić, I., 1996: Fizička hemija u geologiji. Univerzitet u Beogradu, 454 s.
- Reed S.J. B., 2005: Electron Microprobe Analysis and Scanning Electron Microscopy in Geology. Cambridge University Press, 192 pp + plates,