Theory teaching Within linear elasticity basics for propagation of P, SV and SH waves through elastic medium are shown. the components of the displacement vector of R, SV and SH waves are determined and discussed their behavior during the transition from a homogeneous environment to another. Surface waves are discussed. Elements of Theory of Elasticity. One-dimensional waves in elastic medium. Waves in homogenous elastic medium.Reflecting and transmitting P and S waves. Practical teaching Practical problems in domains covered by theoretical knowledge. |
Suggested Reading List:
- Šestak, I., 2013: Uvod u prostiranje talasa u elastičnim sredinama, RGF, Beograd.
- Kuzmanović, D., 2003: Matematička fizika, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
- Pujol, J., 2003: Elastic Wave Propagation and Generation in Seismology. Cambridge University Press.
- Stein, S., Wysession, M., 2003: An Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and Earth Structures, Blackwell Publishing
- Buforn, E., Pro, C. and Udias, A., 2012: Solved Problems in Geophysics, Cambridge University Press
- Bedford, S., Drumheller, D.S., 1994: Introduction to Elastic Wave Propagation, John Wiley&Sons