Study program:
Environmental Engineering (V semester -BsC) Mine Surveying (VII semester -BsC) Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits (VII semester -BsC) |
Name of subject: Environmental Management System |
Prof. Ivica Ristović |
Status: Optional |
ECTS: 5 |
Prerequisites: - |
Course Objectives: Cilj predmeta je sticanje znanja neophodnih za razumevanje, uspostavljanje, implementaciju, održavanje i poboljšanje sistema menadžmenta životnom sredinom. Na ovom kursu se stiču znanja o strukturi standarda ISO 14001 utemeljenih na aspektima održivog razvoja sadržanih u Agendi 21 koja predstavlja deklaraciju UN o namerama i obavezivanje na održivi razvoj. Cilj predmeta je upoznavanje studenata sa principime i elementima sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine.
The objective is the acquisition of knowledge necessary for understanding, establishing, implementing, maintaining and mitigating the environmental management system. This course acquires knowledge about the structures of the ISO 14001 standards that are in line with the aspects of sustainable content development in Agenda 21 that represent the UN declaration on intentions and commitments to sustainable development. The goal is to mark students with the principles and elements of the environmental management system. |
Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, the student is capable and trained to participate in a team for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of the environmental management system. |
Theory teaching UVOD, ZAŠTITA ŽIVOTNE SREDINE, ISO STANDARDI, STANDARDI SERIJE ISO 14000, ISO 14001-Sistem menadžmenta životnom sredinom, Predmet i područje primene, Normativne reference, Termini i definicije, Kontekst organizacije, Liderstvo, Planiranje, Podrška, Realizacija operativnih aktivnosti, Vrednovanje performansi, Poboljšavanje.
INTRODUCTION, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ISO STANDARDS, ISO 14000 SERIES STANDARDS, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, Subject and scope, Normative references, Terms and definitions, Context of organization, Leadership, Planning, Support, Realization of operational activities, Performance evaluation, Improvement. Practical teaching Visit to certified companies in the field of ISO 14001 in the field of mining and getting acquainted with their methods of certification and application of standards. Preparation of studies and seminar papers on the topic: Systemic approach to PDCA models for different types of enterprises, Determination and assessment of environmental aspects, Responsiveness for responding to emergencies and responses to them.
Visit to certified companies in the field of ISO 14001 in the field of mining and getting acquainted with their methods of certification and application of standards. Preparation of studies and seminar papers on the topic: Systemic approach to PDCA models for different types of enterprises, Determination and assessment of environmental aspects, Responsiveness for responding to emergencies and responses to them. |
Suggested Reading List:
- Colls J. (1997) Air Pollution, An introduction, E & FN SPON, London, ISBN 0419 20650 7
- Marcus J.J. (editor), (1997) Mining Environmental Handbook, Imperial college press, London
- Maslansky C., Maslansky S. (1993) Air Monitoring Instrumentation, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, ISBN 0-442-00973-9
- Faith W.L., Atkisson A.A. Jr. (1972) Air pollution, second edition, Wiley-Interscience, New York
- Savić, I., Terezija, V., Ekologija i zaštita životne sredine, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2002
- Nikolić, D., Zaštita životne sredine, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Kosovska Mitrovica, 2001.
- Veselinović, S., Gržetić, I., Đarmati, Š., Marković, D., Stanja i procesi u životnoj sredini, Fakultet za fizičku hemiju, Beograd, 1995.
- ISO 14001:2005
Conduct of the Course: Lectures, exercises, consultations, independent work and group work using audio-visual means. |
Fund hours:
Lectures |
Exercises |
Other forms of teaching |
Study research |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Final Exam |
Oral Exam | 45 |
Classwork Assessment |
Class Participationа | 10 | Practical Classes | 15 | Seminars | 30 |
Additional Assessment Criteria: - |