Undergraduate studies
Master studies
Doctoral studies
Teaching staff
Accreditation 2020
Mining Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Regional geology
Istraživanje ležišta mineralnih sirovina
Accreditation 2013
Mining Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Accreditation 2009
Mining Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Petroleum Engineering

Economic Geology - basic academic studies

II year          
Name of subjects III semester IV semester ECTS The status Professor
Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks 2 +3 6 Compulsory   Gajic Violeta
Structural Geology 2 +3 6 Compulsory   Trivic Branislav
  Randjelovic Nikola
  Males Maja
Exploration Drilling 2 +2 5 Compulsory   Gluscevic Branko
Geochemistry 3 +1 5 Compulsory   Prelevic Dejan
General Stratigraphy 2 +1 4 Compulsory   Rundic LJupko
  Stefanovic Jelena
Course/ Subject of Elective Bl1 2 +2
Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks 2 +3 6 Compulsory   Kostic Bojan
Historical Geology A 3 +2 5 Compulsory   Bradic Milinovic Katarina
  Stefanovic Jelena
Mineral Deposits 3 +1 5 Compulsory   Miladinovic Zoran
Field Study in Structural Geology 2 +2 4 Compulsory   Trivic Branislav
  Randjelovic Nikola
  Males Maja
English 2 2 +1 4 Compulsory   Beko Lidija
  DJordjevic Marija
Course/ Subject of Elective Bl2 2 +2
Elective Block1 III semester IV semester ECTS The status Professor
Basics of Geodesy 2 +2 5 Optional   Milutinovic Aleksandar
Physical and Colloid Chemistry 2 +2 5 Optional   Ilic Marija
Basics of Ore Microscopy 2 +2 5 Optional   Pacevski Aleksandar
Elective Block2 III semester IV semester ECTS The status Professor
Engineering Geology 2 +2 5 Optional   Abolmasov Biljana
Basics of Gemmology 2 +2 5 Optional   Miladinovic Zoran
  Eric Suzana
2 +2 5 Optional   Trivic Branislav
  Randjelovic Nikola
  Males Maja
Probability and Statistics 2 +2 5 Optional   Cebic Dejan
  Stankovic Ranka
  Radjenovic Jovana
III year          
Name of subjects V semester VI semester ECTS The status Professor
3 +1 5 Compulsory   Zivotic Dragana
Deposits of Metallic Mineral Deposits 2 +1 5 Compulsory   Velojic Milos
Deposits of Non-metallic Mineral Deposits 2 +1 5 Compulsory   Simic Vladimir
Economics of Mineral Resources 2 +2 5 Compulsory   Tosovic Radule
Course/ Subject of Elective Bl3 2 +2
Course/ Subject of Elective Bl4 1 +3
Geological Mapping 1 3 +3 7 Compulsory   Toljic Marinko
  Randjelovic Nikola
  Males Maja
Field Study in Geological Mapping 2 +4 5 Compulsory   Toljic Marinko
  Randjelovic Nikola
  Males Maja
Geoinformatics 2 +2 4 Compulsory   Stankovic Ranka
  Radjenovic Jovana
Field Study in Mineral Deposits 2 +0 2 Compulsory   Miladinovic Zoran
Laboratory Investigations of Mineral Deposits 1 2 +1 2 Compulsory   Zivotic Dragana
Course/ Subject of Elective Bl5 2 +2
Course/ Subject of Elective Bl6 2 +2
Elective Block3 V semester VI semester ECTS The status Professor
Basics of Hydrogeology 2 +2 5 Optional   Dokmanovic Petar
2 +2 5 Optional   Matovic Vesna
2 +2 5 Optional   Roksic Maja
  Prelevic Dejan
Elective Block4 V semester VI semester ECTS The status Professor
Remote Sensing 1 +3 5 Optional   Stojadinovic Uros
  Randjelovic Nikola
  Males Maja
1 +3 5 Optional   Miladinovic Zoran
Elective Block5 V semester VI semester ECTS The status Professor
2 +2 5 Optional   Pacevski Aleksandar
2 +2 5 Optional   Lazic Predrag
2 +2 5 Optional   Velojic Milos
Elective Block6 V semester VI semester ECTS The status Professor
Engineering Hydrogeology 2 +2 5 Optional   Dokmanovic Petar
Formation Geology 2 +2 5 Optional   Rundic LJupko
  Bradic Milinovic Katarina
Geology of Serbia 2 +2 5 Optional   Rundic LJupko
  Stefanovic Jelena
IV year          
Name of subjects VII semester VIII semester ECTS The status Professor
Basics of Geophysics B 2 +2 5 Compulsory   Vuckovic Dejan
Basics of Mineral Deposits Exploitation 2 +2 4 Compulsory   Beljic Cedomir
Mining and Geology Legislation 2 +0 2 Compulsory   Jelenkovic Rade
Prospecting Explorations of Solid Mineral Resources 2 +2 5 Compulsory   Jelenkovic Rade
Petroleum deposits and exploration 2 +2 4 Compulsory   Aleksic Nikoleta
Course/ Subject of Elective Bl7 2 +2
Course/ Subject of Elective Bl8 2 +2
Exploration of Solid Mineral Resources 2 +2 5 Compulsory   Simic Vladimir
Field Study in Exploration of Solid Mineral Resources 0 +3 +3 2 Compulsory   Simic Vladimir
Ore Geology 2 +2 5 Compulsory   Tosovic Radule
Economic Geology 2 +2 5 Compulsory   Tosovic Radule
Professional Practice 0 +0 +3 3 Compulsory   Miladinovic Zoran
Graduation Thesis/Diploma Thesis 0 +0 10 Compulsory
Elective Block7 VII semester VIII semester ECTS The status Professor
2 +2 5 Optional   Gajic Violeta
Mining Hydrogeology 2 +2 5 Optional   Zivanovic Vladimir
2 +2 5 Optional   Simic Vladimir
Elective Block8 VII semester VIII semester ECTS The status Professor
Applied Geochemistry 2 +2 5 Optional   Prelevic Dejan
Fundamentals of Applied Petrography 2 +2 5 Optional   Matovic Vesna


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