RESTCA - REinforcing S&T CApacities of Two Emerging Research Centers
for Natural and Industial Pollutant Materials in Serbia and Slovenia
1 , 2011
of the project
the final report
17-18 , 2011
two days meeting
"Ready for serving the society in solving its environmental
was organized at the UB-FMG.
More than 50 participants followed the meeting. Amongst them,
representatives from the Ministry of Science and Technological
Development and Ministry of environmental protection and spatial
planing were present.
The meeting was devided into two sessions:
1 - OPERA: Our People in European Research Area
According to the program, six researchers who were our students
and who work abroad presented their main results, research projects
and plans for the future.
2 - RESTCA-TERCE-NIPMSS Project: Major achievements and their
The second day was dedicated to
the project RESTCA. The Serbain team members presented the main
tasks of the project:
a huge step forward
deliverable: SEM-EDS laboratory
gain" - highly improved research potential
three years of the RESTCA project
the presentation, the coctail party was organized in Museum of
minerals and rocks at UB-FMG.
Robert Sajn and MSc Jasminka Alijagic spent ten days in Serbia
having practical work in the field aimed at training the Serbian
team members and UB-FMG students. Despite bad weather conditions
they successfully collected samples of soils, alluvium and stream
sediments along the Ibar River. This work represents the first
step to further common projects oriented to mining-related environmental
problems in Serbia.
three RESTCA teams met in Belgrade and had successful meetings.
Special attention was given to practical work in the SEM-EDS laboratory
with Dr Heidi Hoefer.
to the official permission from the RESTCA-TERCE-NIPMSS project
officer, a crusher-mill for powdering rocks and minerals was purchased
and supplied to the UB-FMG. The type of the machine is Retsch
PM200. It consists of two agate jars 125 cm3 each.
See photo
the frame of deliverable D3.5 Serbian RESTCA-TERCE-NIPMSS team
prepared a program and plan of the course on SEM-EDS that will
be integrated into curricula at the UB-FMG study program of Geology.
This procedure will be officially completed during the next step
of accreditation in spring 2012.
21-26, 2010
the frame of project mobility activities Dr Aleksandar Pacevski
made a visit to GUF.
The aim of his visit was to gain practical knowledge
for working in the Laboratory for Electron Microscopy.
1-5, 2010
short thematic workshop on
"Environmental problems related to active and abandoned mines
in SE Europe"
will be organized by UB-FMG
See program
seminar had following parts:
- The main part of the seminar was represented by lectures given
by sicentists and experts from SE Europe. Around 50 participants
in total from several faculties, scientific institutes and companies
followed the seminar
inquiry). Sixteen
lecturers from seven countries had talks about important environmetal
problems: Dr Stefan Weyer (University of Hannover, Gemany), Dr
Ladislav Palinkas (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Sciences,
Croatia), Dr Dragana Zivotic (UB - Faculty of Mining and Geology,
GUF), Dr Branimir Jovancicevic (UB - Faculty of Chemistry), Dr
Mihaela Sima (Insitute of Geography, Romanian Academy of Science),
Dr Radostina Atanassova (Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy
of Science), MSc. Tomaz Budkovic, Dr Mateja Gosar and MSc. Jasminka
Alijagic - all from Geological Survey of Slovenia, Dr. Marina
Lazarov (University of Hannover, Gemany), Dr. David Alderton (University
of London, Royal Holloway, United Kingdom), Dr. Trajce Stafilov
(Ciril and Methodius University, Macedonia), Dr Anja Dosen (Institute
Vinca, Serbia), MSc. Bozidar Djokic (Geological Institute of Serbia,
Serbia), MSc. Lidija Djokic (UB-Faculty of Biology), MSc. Dragana
Randjelovic (UB-Faculty of Forestry).
See gallery
guest of the seminar was a student group (Jelena Drobac, Marina
Ravilic, Milica Stefanovic, Jugoslav Miletic, Sandra Radivojevic)
who made a project entitled: "Conscience on the landfill
- should be recycled"
- The Serbian RESTCA team organized a visit of the biggest ash
deposit and coal open pit of Drmno, close to the power plant Kostolac.
The participants were led by enginners from the localities who
gave information about both the deposit and the open pit.The participants
visited remnants of a mammoth and Roman archeological site Viminacium,
both situated within the open pit
of Drmno.
III - There was an open meeting that was organized by UB-FMG.
The main topic of the meeting was future cooperation, discussions
about finding grants for common project and define problematics
that could be investigated.
18, 2010
The first birthday of the laboratory
the first year the laboratory of SEM-EDS had more than 700 working
hours. Around 100 users from 20 institutions have used the laboratory
facilities in the frame of research and industrial projects. In
the SEM-EDS laboratory different materials were analysed: minerals,
synthetic compounds, metals and alloys, fossils, waste materials,
air particles, fly ash, electrodes, teeth, skin samples, kidney
stones, plants, wood, cellular fibres, starch, leaven, laser impacts,
archaeological items, etc. Researchers from the following scientific
disciplines used our lab: geology (mineralogy, petrology, palaeontology),
material sciences and technology (crystallography, nanomaterials,
textile engineering, structural materials), metallurgy, electrochemistry,
mechanical engineering, archaeology, medicine (dentistry, dermatology),
biology, biochemistry, environmental protection and so on. The
most frequently users were coming from the following higher education
institutions: Faculty of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Technology
and Metallurgy, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry - all
of them from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sciences (University
of Kragujevac), Faculty of Technical Sciences and Faculty of Dental
Medicine from the University of Pristina, as well as from the
following research institutions: Institute of Chemistry, Technology
and Metallurgy, Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other
Mineral Raw Materials, Institute "Gosa", Geological
Institute of Serbia, Nuclear Institute "Vinca", Institute
for Multidisciplinary Research, and Institute for Mining and Metallurgy
August 27-September 3, 2010
the period from 27th August to 3rd September 2010 Aleksandar Kremenovic
visited Darmstadt in Germany in order to enhance activities connected
with work packages: WP2 - Reinforcement of international co-operation.
Networking and WP4 - Dissemination and outreach activities.
31-June 5, 2010
themtic course entitled:
"X-ray diffraction and its application inthe investigation
of crystalline materials"
organized by UB-FMG
seminar had two parts:
- The introductional part concerning x-ray diffraction and practical
work in the Laboratory of x-ray diffraction of the UB-FMG was
held at the UB-FMG. Lectures were given by Prof. Dr Vidojko Jovic,
Prof. Dr Ljiljana Karanovic, Prof. Dr Aleksandar Kremenovic, Dr
Irena Petrovic-Prelevic, Prof. Dr Aleksandra Rosic and Prof. Dr
Radovan Dimitrijevic. Practical work in the laboratory was led
by Prof. Dr Aleksandar Kremenovic and MSc. Predrag Vulic.
II - The seminar continuded in Ivanjica where
the Serbian Crystalographic Society (SCS) organized XVII Crystalographic
Conference of the SCS. Amongst lecturers, guests of the
RESTCA project and some members of the Serbian RESTCA team have
lectures as well. Our lecturers were: Dr Tamara Djordjevic, Dr
Biljana Lazic, MSc. Predrag Vulic, Dr Aleksandar Pacevski , PhD
student Ivana Veljkovic.
15-17, 2010
Conference "Week of Innovative Regions in Europe - WIRE2010",
Granada (Spain)
RESTCA Project coordinator will take part to
the conference jointly organized by the Spanish Ministry of Science
and Innovation and the European Commission under the auspices
of the Spanish EU Council Presidency. WIRE2010 will be a high-level
forum for discussion of stakeholder's good practices and ideas
on how to make the best of European, national and regional funding
for R&D and innovation and more efficient ways to conduct
future actions. In this line, REGPOT programme (Capacities - FP7)
will have a whole dedicated conference. RESTCA will be presented
during the poster session.
15-26, 2010
A seminar entitled "Microanalytical
techniques in applied Earth science" was organized at the
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology.
seminar had two parts:
- A short practical course was organized in the SEM-EDS Laboratory
at the UB-FMG and it was led by Dr. Heidi Hoefer (GUF) and Dr.
Axel Gerdes (GUF) who practiced with seven participants. During
the five days the participants aquired important knowledge about
the usage of the existing SEM-EDS system to get high magnification
SE, BSE and CL images as well as to acquisit EDS chemical analyses
of different natural and industrial material.
II - The theoretical seminar comprised lectures
about different analythical methods and their applications in
Earth sciences and in various environmental research. More than
40 participants from several faculties, scientific institutes
and companies followed the seminar (See
inquiry). Fourteen lecturers
from seven countries were: Dr. Axel Gerdes (GUF), Dr. Marina Lazarov
(GUF), Dr. Robert Sajn (GeoSZ, Slovenia), MSc. Jasmina Alijagic
(GeoSZ, Slovenia), Dr. David Alderton (University of London, Royal
Holloway, United Kingdom), Dr. Dirk Frei (GEUS, Denmark), Dr.
Stefan Weyer (Koeln University, Germany), Dr. Mihaly Postfai (University
of Pannonia, Hungary), Dr. Trajce Stafilov (Ciril and Methodius
University, Macedonia), Dr. Biljana Skrbic (University of Novi
Sad, Serbia), Dr. Milica Kasanin-Grubin (EDUCONS Uniocersity,
Serbia), MSc. Bozidar Djokic (Geological Institute of Serbia,
Serbia), MSc. Dusan Kojic, University of Belgrade, Serbia), Dr.
Aleksandar Pacevski (UB-FMG).
21, 2010
of the Project Managment Board
Representatives from GUF (Dr. Axel Gerdes and Dr. Marina Lazarov)
and GeoZS (Dr. Robert Sajn and MSc. Jasminka Alijagic), together
with coordinator of the RESTCA project Dr. Vladica Cvetkovic,
Dr. Kristina Saric, Dr. Aleksandar Kremenovic and Dr. Suzana Eric
from UB-FMG had a short meeting aimed at discussing the interim
project results, in particular, the action plan for futher deliverables.
1st, 2009
The second young researcher
position is filled at the UB-FMG. MSc. Predrag Vulić was
the best out of three candidates for this position. He has signed
the contract with the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining
and Geology and his position starts from December 1st 2009.
11, 2009
"2008th Annual Report of Sate of Environment in
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Kremenovi� attended the presentation
of "2008th Annual Report of Sate of Environment in Serbia"
organized by Serbian Agency for Environmental Protection - SEPA
(part of Serbian Ministry of Environmental Protection). The presentation
was organized on 11th November in hotel Best Western �UMADIJA
in Belgrade. The report could be found on site
During the presentation breaks common interest between RESTCA-TERCENIPMSS
and SEPA for cooperation in recognition and definition of earth
pollution hot spots were expressed.
6, 2009
The announcement for one young-researcher position was
made on November 6th.
See advertisment
October 6-9, 2009
In the frame of the RESTCA-TERCE-NIPMSS activities Geological Survey of Slovenia is organizing a workshop entitled “Environmental geochemistry - Anthropogenic impact on the human environment in SE Europe”.
See circular
The workshop was a great opportunity for representing the GeOZS achievements, gaining the knowledge from other participating countries in the field of environmental geochemistry, as well as for strengthening the international cooperation networking and partnership between SEE and EU countries. 66 authors from 9 countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia) presented 36 contributions in environmental geology and geochemistry based on professional experience.
See gallery
September, 2009
Opening ceremony and promotion of the newly formed Laboratory for Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Technique at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology have been planned to be held between September 15th and 20th.
The opening ceremony and promotion of the SEM-EDS laboratory was held on September 18th at the UB-FMG. More than 70 people from different scientific organizations and industrial companies attended the ceremony. Among the invited persons, two academicians Prof. Stevan Karamata and Prof. Zoran Maksimović were also presented. Prof. Miloš Nedeljković, Governmental Secretary of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, opened the laboratory pluging in the electron gun. By his speech, Prof. Miloš Nedeljković encouraged scientists of various fields to use the laboratory facilities as well as to apply for other projects.
See gallery
August 17-20, 2009
Installation of X-Max Energy Dispersive Spectrometer and Mini
CL cathodoluminiscence detector and short course on the usage
of this equipment.
See gallery
July 8 – August 5, 2009
In the frame of project mobility activities Dr. Aleksandar Kremenović
(team member of the beneficiary 1) visited Canada in order to
enhance activities connected with work packages: WP2 - Reinforcement
of international co-operation. Networking, WP3 – Brain gain
activities at the education and research level and WP4 - Dissemination
and outreach activities.
short report
June 23-27, 2009
Installation of JEOL JSM-6610LV
Scanning Electron Microscope and BALTEC-SCD-005
Sputter coating device and short course on the usage this equipment.
See gallery
June 14-21, 2009
In the frame of project mobility activities Dr. Kristina Šarić
and Dr. Suzana Erić (team members of the beneficiary 1) made
a visit to GUF.
The aim of their visit was to gain practical knowledge
for working in the Laboratory for Electron Microscopy.
See gallery
June 10-19, 2009
Laboratory room has been completely furnished.
See gallery
June 8, 2009
The shipment of the complete SEM-EDS equipment was successfully organized. Only one schock sensor on a single box was disturbed but without any effect on the equipment inside.
See gallery
May, 2009
Installation of SEM JSM-6610LV, INCAEnergy 350 Microanalysis System, MINI CL and Sputter coating device.
It is expected that the purchased equipment will be delivered and completely installed until the end of May 2009.
The first project report will be finished until the end of this month.
May, 2009
Dr. Aleksandar Pačevski signed the contract with the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology and his post-doc position in the project RESTCA begins from the May 1st 2009.
April 27-30 2009
A short course on scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive technique was organized at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology with more than 40 participants( See inquiry). The lecturers were Dr. Heidi Hoefer (GUF), Dr. Axel Gerdes (GUF), Dr. Marina Lazarov (GUF), Dr. Dirk Frei (GEUS, Denmark) and Slavko Žižek (SCAN, Slovenia).
See gallery
See circular
Adaptation of a laboratory room for the equipment installation has been finished.
See gallery
April, 2009
Adaptation of a laboratory room for the equipment installation.
The room in the basement of the Department building has been tested for installation requirements.
February, 2009
The announcement for two post-doc positions was made on February 27th.
See advertisment
February 7-10, 2009
The Project coordinator’s visit to GeOZS.
In the frame of management tasks and as part of continuous mobility activities the Project coordinator Dr. Vladica Cvetković made a short visit to Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeOZS). The visit to LJubljana included meetings with GeoZS team members and consultations about the ongoing and further project activities, especially about the thematic symposium to be organized at GeOZS later this year. In addition, Project coordinator paid a visit to the SEM-EDS laboratory that had last year been installed at GeOZS.
See gallery
November - December, 2008
The activities related to the purchase of a Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer are expected to be finished until the end of 2008.
The Commission of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology had a meting. The offers were evaluated and it was decided to buy a following system:
JSM-6610LV (a low vacuum SEM with a gun chamber with LaB6 filament and Ion Pump = 10-5 Pa)
Turbo Molecular Pump Evacuation Unit (included in basic instrument),
MINI CL – cathodoluminiscence detector 185nm – 850nm,
INCAEnergy 350 Microanalysis System including X-Max Large Area Analytical Silicon Drift,
Sulphide/Heavy Metals standard block – set of 30 sulphide and metal standards, and
BALTEC-SCD-005 Sputter coating device.
December 7-21, 2008
In the frame of project mobility activities Dr. Aleksandar Kremenović (team member of the beneficiary 1) made a short visit to Slovenia.
A short report
October 14-16, 2008
RESTCA was presented by coordinator at the first National Congress of Macedonian geologists, October 14-16, 2008, Ohrid (Macedonia).
See gallery
October 8-12, 2008
17th International Fair of Ecology, Medicinal Herbs and Water "Eco-world"
The major concept of RESTCA and its expected impacts were be presented at the Fair which werel be attended with many exhibitors and visitors dealing with environment protection and return to nature.
September 8-9, 2008
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, Belgrade, Serbia
The kickoff meeting and the formation of the Project Management Board with participation of the coordinator and project team leaders
The kick-off meeting of the RESTCA Project Management Board was successfully organized on September 8th-9th in Belgrade.
See gallery
August 7th, 2008
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology, Studentski trg 16, Belgrade, Serbia
The first meeting of the UB-FMG project team.
May 1st, 2008
The official start of RESTCA.