
The Institute of Mineralogy of the University of Frankfurt ( should provide a critical excellence in human and material capacities which will be mobilized in order to achieve the principal objectives of this proposal. As an excellent European research entity this institution will help to set-up strategic partnerships under which the targeted emerging centers in Serbia and Slovenia will realize their full research potential. In such a way, the participation of the GUF in the project will essentially contribute to the overall European effort to better exploit research potential in less advanced but very perspective regions and thereby to improve economic and social cohesion within them.
GUF belongs to the Department of Geosciences and Geography at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. This Department hosts four institutes holding 33 chairs and over 1500 students. The Institute of Mineralogy conducts interdisciplinary research, not only within the faculty, but also in close cooperation with other departments, is an outstanding quality of the Geosciences at Frankfurt University.