Team Leader: Dr. Robert Šajn, male, Ph.D. of the University of Ljubljana (Thesis: Geochemical properties of urban sediments on the territory of Slovenia): Research: geochemical projects for exploration, environmental purposes or geochemical mapping, GIS and statistical processing of geochemical data. Language: English.
Significance for the project: Dr. Robert Šajn has acquired great experience in geochemical and geo-environmental studies within the realm of former Yugoslavia. He has led many bilateral projects/themes which have dealt with pollutant materials in abandoned mining areas.
Two most recent publications:
SAJN, Robert. Using attic dust and soil for the separation of anthropogenic and geogenic elemental distributions in an old metallurgic area (Celje, Slovenia). Geochem., explor. environ. anal., 2005, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 59-67. [COBISS.SI-ID 1110357]
SAJN, Robert. Factor analysis of soil and attic-dust to separate mining and metallurgy influence, Meža Valley, Slovenia. Math. geol., 15 December 2006, online First, 13 pp. [COBISS.SI-ID 1329749]
Member of team: Mateja Gosar, female, Ph.D. Head of program group "Groundwater and geochemistry". Research: Researches of environmental impacts of active and abandoned metal mines in Slovenia. In the case of Idrija mercury mine she defined, alone and in collaboration with domestic and foreign researchers, the characteristics and extension of mercury dispersion halo in Idrija and surroundings, which is partly geogene, but mostly it is a consequence of five hundred years of intensive mercury mining and smelting activity. Language skills: English, Germany (French).
BIESTER, Harald, GOSAR, Mateja, COVELLI, Stefano. Mercury speciation in sediments affected by dumped mining residues in the drainage area of the Idrija mercury mine, Slovenia. Environ. sci. technol.. [Print ed.], 2000, vol. 34, no. 16, pp. 3330-3336. [COBISS.SI-ID 656469]
GOSAR, Mateja, SAJN, Robert, BIESTER, Harald. Binding of mercury in soils and attic dust in the Idrija mercury mine area (Slovenia). Sci. total environ.. [Print ed.], 1 October 2006, vol. 369, iss. 1/3, pp. 150-162. [COBISS.SI-ID 1208405]
Member of team: Gorazd Žibret, male, Ph.D. student, employed on Geological Survey of Slovenia, Department of Mineral Resources as "Young researcher". Research: Artificial intelligence, astrophysics, tectonics, quantum mechanics. Language skills: English (German).
ZIBRET, Gorazd, GOSAR, Mateja. Calculation of the mercury accumulation in the Idrijca River alluvial plain sediments. Sci. total environ.. [Print ed.], 1 September 2006, vol. 368, iss. 1, pp. 291-297. [COBISS.SI-ID 1200981]
Member of team: Tamara Teršič, female, Ph.D. student, employed on Geological Survey of Slovenia.