vesna_ristic2002@yahoo.com |
EDUCATION: Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade
1989 BS
1995 M.Sc.
2007 Ph.D.
EMPLOYMENT: Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade
1990 assistant junior
1995 assistant
2008 docent
TEACHING: Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade
Research of hydrogeology and hydrology of karst, hydrological analyses of hydrometheorological series, analyses, calculations, simulations and predictions of karst spring flow, statistical methods in hydrogeology, regression analyses and correlation in karst hydrogeology, analyses of karst spring flow regime and balance of groundwater in karst terrains.
2006 – 2008 Training course of methods and techniques in uranium exploration
- International Association of Hydrogeology
- Serbian Geology Society
- Yugoslav Society of engineering and technicians
Work on uranium explorations projects:
- Project Dornod, Project Orgon and Project Huvsgul (Mongolia)
- Participation in more than 20 scientific conferences
- More that 70 papers published and several textbooks
- Co-author and author of several national scientific projects and more than 20 other studies.
Participation in significant projects and studies:
- Prohaska S., Petkovic T., Srna P., Ristic V., 1994. Regionalization of the parameters of boundary runoff intensity theory on the territory of Serbia XVIIth Conference of the Danube Countries on Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management, vol. I, pp 109-114, Vituki, Budapest.
- Prohaska S., Petkovic T., Srna P., Ristic V., 1994. Regional analysis of annual maximum discharges in the territory of Serbia XVIIth Conference of the Danube Countries on Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management, vol. I, pp 135-140, Vituki, Budapest.
- Ristic V., 1995. Methodology of analyses and predictions of spring flow Kucaj-Beljanica massif. Master thesis, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade.
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., Srna P., Marcetic I., 1995. The Use of Mathematical VMC Model in Defining Karst Spring Flows Over the Years XV Congress of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association, 4/3, pp 915-919, Atina.
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., Božinovic Miodrag, 1995. High Flow Coincidence of Major River and Its Tributary Related to Flood control International Symposium “Runoff Computation for Water Projects”, St. Petersburg, pp. 1-8
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., Božinovic M., 1995. Application of the VNC Model For Comprehensive Computation of the Mean Monthly Discharge Series International Symposium “Runoff Computation for Water Projects”, St. Petersburg,
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., 1996.: Hydrology throw theory and practice, Monograph, pp. 1-525, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade.
- Prohaska S., Petkovic T., Ristic V., 1996.: Guide for Hydrology, pp. 1-350, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., Srna P., Petkovic T., Marcetic I., 1996.:Water Resources of Serbia, XVIIIth Conference of the Danube Countries on Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management, pp. A-241-247, Graz, Austria.
- Ristic V., Stevanovic Z., Prohaska S., 1997.: Some Examples of Karst Springflow Regime Simulation and Prediction for Water Management Balance Analyses Theoretical and Applied Karstology, vol. 9, Academia Romania, pp 141-149,
- Ristic V., Papic P., Golubovic R., Prohaska S., 1998.: Analysis and Simulation of Nitrates in Karst Groundwater Third International Conference on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus (Nicosia).
- Prohaska S., Dragišic V., Stevanovic Z., Ristic V., 1998.: Hydro meteorological Investigations for Groundwater Balance of Miroch Karst Massif in Yugoslavia Third International Conference on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus (Nicosia), abstract, pp. 60.
- Jemcov I., Ristic V., Prohaska S., Stevanovic Z., 1998.: The Use of Autocross-Regression Model for Analyses and Simulation of Karst Spring flow Journal of Mining and Geological sciences, volume 37, pp 55-64, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
- Papic P., Ristic V., Golubovic R., 1998.: Karst Groundwater Pollution by Nitrate, Petnica Spring (Serbia) Journal of Mining and Geological sciences, volume 37, pp 65-74, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
- Papic P., Ristic V., Golubovic R., Damnjanovic V., 1998: Influence of the Physico-Chemical Properties of Rainfall on Karst Groundwater Quality Theoretical and Applied Karstology, volume 11-12/1998-1999, pp. 145-148, Banja Herkulana, Rumania.
- Jemcov I., Ristic V., Prohaska S., Stevanovic Z., 1998.: Aplication of Autocross-Regression Model on Analysis and Simulation of the Discharge of Karst Spring Theoretical and Applied Karstology, volume 11-12/1998-1999, pp. Banja Herkulana, Rumenia.
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., Srna P., Petkovic T., Marcetic I., 2000.: Water Resources of Serbia, Monograph "Hydrogeological Research of Lithosphere in Serbia", Institute of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, pp. 5-12, Belgrade
- Ristic V., Papic P., Golubovic R., Prohaska S., 2000.: A Correlation Analysis and Simulation of Nitrates in Karst Ground water, Monograph "Hydrogeological Research of Lithosphere in Serbia", Institute of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, pp. 149-158, Belgrade
- Jemcov I., Ristic V., Prohaka S., Stevanovic Z., 2000.: Application of Autocross-Regression Model on Analysis and Discharge Simulation of some Karst Spring, Monograph "Hydrogeological Research of Lithosphere in Serbia", Institute of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, pp. 159-172, Belgrade, 2000.
- Ristic V., Papic P., Golubovic R., Prohaska S., 2000.: Statistical Analyses of Nitrate Concentrations in Precipitation and Karst Spring Petnica (Valjevo, Wstern Serbia), Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva, knj. LXIII, pp. 283-289, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
- Prohaska S., Petkovic T., Ristic V.,, 2001.: Guide for Hydrology, Second edition, pp. 1-370, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade.
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., Dragišic V., 2002.: Assessment of Groundwater Storage in Karstic Aquifer, XXI st Conference of Danubian Countries on the Hydrological Forescasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management, pp 138, Bucharest, Romania.
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., 2002.: Hydrology throw theory and practice, Second edition, Monograph, pp. 1-580, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade.
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., 2002.: Assessment of Water Balance on the Small Catchments on Mountains Regions, Natural and Socio-Economic Effects of Erosion Control in Mountainous Regions - Book of Abstracts, pp 29, Banja Vujci,
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., 2004.: Mathematical Model for Simulation of Daily Outflow from a Karstified Aquifer XXIInd Conference of Danubian Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management, pp , Czech Republic.
- Prohaska S., Simic Z., Milivojevic N., Orlic A., Ristic V., 2004.: Rainfall-runoff Modelling Based on the SWAR Model XXIInd Conference of Danubian Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management, pp, Czech Republic.
- Prohaska S., Isailovic D., Srna P., Ristic V., 2005.: Water Resources Regime in Skadar Lake Basin on the Territory of the Montenegro Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support - BALWOIS, pp. Republic of Macedonia.
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., Majkic B., 2005: A cross-correlation analysis of the effects of atmospheric precipitation and water level in the karst field of East Herzegovina on the Bregava river flow regime, International conference "Water resources and environmental problems in karst, pp 531 - 538, Belgrade
- Prohaska S., Ristic V., 2006.: Water Balance and Hydrological Regimes in the Central Part of the Balkan Peninsula, Conference on water observation and information system for decision support, BALWOIS 2006, Ohrid.
- Majkic B., Prohaska S., Ristic V., 2006.: Identification of the Quantity Impact of the Precipitation and Water Level in the Karstic Poljes on Bregava River Flow Regime in Herzegovina, Conference on water observation and information system for decision support, BALWOIS 2006, Ohrid.
- Ristic V., 2007.: Simulation model development for calculation of karts springs daily discharge, PhD, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia.