Dr Igor Jemcov, Assistant Professor |

Igor Jemcov geological engineer born at 01.07.1967 in Bajina Basta, Republic of Serbia.
On 1993 obtained bachelor degree at Faculty of Mining and Geology. Master degree of technical science in field of Geology – Hydrogeology, obtained in 2000. at Faculty of Mining and Geology. PhD degree obtained at Faculty of Mining and Geology in 2009.
From 1994 to 1996 employed at Faculty of Mining and Geology as young talent for scientific research, and later from 1997. as research assistant. From 2000 year working as teaching assistant at Institute of Hydrogeology.
He has active role in organizing activity of scientific conferences worked as secretary: 100 years of Hydrogeology in Jugoslavia“ at 1998, and International Conference KARST 2005 organized under support of UNESCO and IAH. Co-organizer and participant UNESCO Workshop DIKTAS Dinaric karst transboundary aquifers – 2006.
Author or co-author of 48 scientific and professional papers.
Member of Serbian Geological Society – former secretary and board member. Serbian National Committee in International association of Hydrogeology. Member of Board of Karst and Speleology at Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. At 2000 obtained award named „Milan Milicevic“ for best research work in field of Geology .
Important project:
UN UNEP UNOPS CO2 YUGR-71-006 – Project of remediation and observation wells at Oil Refinery NIS Novi Sad in 2001.
- Bilateral Project of Republic of Serbia and Republic of Slovenia: Long term of management of aquifers in Sava catchments area, in frame of scientific-technological cooperation 2004-2006.
- Project of Basic Hydrogeologycal map of Yugoslavia in scale 1:100.000 sheet Boljevac. Ministry of Science and Environment 1994-2005.
- Exploration, Optimal usage and Sustainable management of groundwater resources in Serbia. Strategic project in 2006. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republic Serbia.
- Water Supply of settlement and protection of quality in Velika Morava valey 2004-2007. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republic Serbia.
- System form monitoring of negative influence of mining activity on Environment. Ministry for science and technological development. 17012. Field of energetic technology 2008-2009
- Exploration and Evaluation of groundwater resources in concept of sustainable development. Ministry for science and technological development. Filed Geosciences and Astronomy. 2009.
10 important papers:
- Jemcov I., Pavlovic R., Cupkovic T., 2000: Application of Remote Sensing and Quantitative Geomorphologic Analysis in Hydrogeological Research. Proceedings of the joint meeting of Friends of Karst, Theoretical Applied Karstology and IGCP 448. pp.66-67. Cluj-Napoca Romania
- Jemcov I., Stevanovic Z., Prohaska S., 2001: A new mathematical simulation model for the prediction of exploitation of regulated karstic sources. International Hydrological Programme. IHP-V Technical Documents in Hydrology. No 49, Vol. II. pp. 703-711 UNESCO Paris.
- Jemcov I., Cupkovic T., Pavlovic R., Stevanovic Z., 2001: An example of influence of fault pattern on karstification development. International Hydrological Programme. IHP-V Technical Documents in Hydrology. No 49, Vol. II. pp. 703-711 UNESCO Paris.
- Jemcov I., Dokmanovic P., Sevanovic Z., Milanovic S., 2002: An example of groundwater resource management under complex hydrogeological conditions in Serbia. Groundwater and Human Development, XXXII Congress of IAH & ALSHUD. pp. Mar del Plata. Argentina
- Jemcov I., Pavlovic R., Stevanovic Z., 2002: Morphotectonic analysis in hydrogeological research of karst terrains. A case study of SW Kucaj Massif, Eastern Serbia. Theoretical and Applied Karstology, vol 15 pp. 51-59. Academia Romana. Bucharest.
- Dokmanovic P., Jemcov I., Milanovic S., Hajdin B.2003 Hydrogeolgical risk factors of dam and reservoir construction – a case example “Bogovina”. Periodical for Mining, Metallurgy and Geology. pp. 105-109 Vol 50. No 1. Ljubljana
- Stevanovic Z., Markovic M., Jemcov I., Pavlovic R., 2004: Tectonic Pattern and Groundwater Drainage – Correlation Analysis at Regional Scale. MECEO First Mediterranean Conference on Earth Observation-Remote Sensing. Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade University. pp.373-378.
- Jemcov I., Stevanovic Z., 2004: Management and Control of Karst Aquifer Systems, Basic Principles karst Water Resources Assessment. XXXVIII Congress of IAH and 7 Congress ALHSUD. Groundwater Flow Understanding, from local to regional scale. Zacatecas. Mexico.
- Jemcov I., 2006: Water supply potential and optimal exploitation capacity of karst aquifer system. Environ Geology Journal Vol. 5 No 5. pp. 767-773. Springer. Germany.
- Stevanovic Z., Jemcov I., Milanovic S. 2007: Management of Karst aquifers in Serbia for Water Supply. Environ Geology Journal Vol. 5 No 5. pp. 743-748. Springer. Germany.