Dr Dejan Milenic, Associate Professor |

AGE: 43
MARITAL STATUS: Married, daughter (8 yrs. old)
CONTACT: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining & Geology, Department of Hydrogeology
Belgrade, Serbia, Europe
Telephone: (+)381-11-3346-000-office
E-mail: dmilenic@yahoo.ie
Certificate of the 20th International Karstological School “Classical karst”-
Karst forms and processes, Postojna, Slovenia
Certificate of the 19th International Karstological School “Classical karst”-
Classical karst, Postojna, Slovenia
Certificate of the 18th International Karstological School “Classical karst”-
Dinaric karst, Postojna, Slovenia
Certificate of the 17th International Karstological School “Classical karst”-
Caves climate, Postojna, Slovenia
Certificate of the 16th International Karstological School “Classical karst”-
Karst sediments, Postojna, Slovenia
Certificate of the 15th International Karstological School “Classical karst”-
Management of transboundary karst aquifers, Postojna, Slovenia
Certificate of UNDP Technical workshop “Innovative techniques and
technologies for contaminated mine waters assessment, management and
remediation” Bor, Serbia
PhD – Doctor of Geology-Hydrogeology (Groundwater hydrology)
National University of Ireland, University College Cork, Geology Dept.,
Cork, Ireland
PhD thesis “Evaluation of the Groundwater Resources in the Cork City and Harbour Area”
Supervisor: Dr. Alistair Allen; External examiner:
Prof. Ken Howard; University of Toronto, Vice Pres. of IAH.
Certificate of the International Course “Variable Density flow modeling”,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Certificate of the International Course "PHREEQC-2" (Hydrochemical Modelling), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bachelor in geology (honors degree) - hydrogeology.
Graduated at the Department of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining & Geology, University of Belgrade. Average mark 8.87/10 (40 exams). Serbia, Europe
2010- Associate Professor
Department of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining & Geology,
University of Belgrade, Serbia, Europe
2005 - 2010
Assistant Professor
Department of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining & Geology,
University of Belgrade, Serbia, Europe
2000 – 2004
PhD candidate
National University of Ireland, University College Cork, Geology Department, Ireland
1995 - 2000
Research Assistant
Department of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining & Geology,
University of Belgrade, Serbia, Europe
- Hydrogeothermal energy
- Evaluation of groundwater resources
- Water supply and field hydrogeology techniques
- Water quality and hydrochemistry
- Vadose zone hydrogeology and forestry hydrogeology
- Mining hydrogeology
- International Association of Hydrogeologists
- Serbian Geological Society
- International Mine Water Association
- International Ecological Organization Responsibility for the future
- Yugoslav Committee for Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
- Yugoslav Water Technology & Sanitary Engineering Society
- Yugoslav Association of Geomorphologists
- Geothermal Association of Ireland
- Mountaineering Association of Serbia
Reviewer for verification studies of groundwater reserves within the Minister of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning
Member of the review committee for the control of technical documentation within the Ministry of Construction and Urbanism
Head of the Organizing Committee of 14th International Symposia on hydrogeology in Serbia
Member of the Hydrogeology Committee of Society of Geological Engineers and Technicians of Serbia
Member of the Comission for Development Strategy of the Department of Hydrogeology until 2023
Appointed leading consultant for hydrogeothermal energy in REHAU
Member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers
Head of the Center for renewable hydro-sources of energy at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade
Consultant for energy efficiency at the GTZ - German governmental organization for technical cooperation (Deutche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH)
Head of the Executive Committee of the organization “Responsibility for the future”
Member of the scientific committee of the Serbian Ministry for Science and Environmental protection (verification of the UN Convention about land desertification)
Secretary of the International conference “Water resources & environmental problems in karst”
Member of the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia
Secretary of the Serbian Geological Society
1998 – 2001
Secretary of the Yugoslav National Committee of the International
Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH).
- ILVIII Annual Water Resources Conference of the American Water Resources Association,
Jaccksowille, Florida, (USA), November, 2012
- VII EUropean congress on REgional GEOscientific cartography and Information systems,
Bologna, (ITALY), June, 2012
- ILVII Annual Water Resources Conference of the American Water Resources Association,
Albuquerque, (USA), November, 2011
- World Renewable Energy Congress, Linköping (SWEDEN), May, 2011
- XXXVIII Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists, Krakow (POLAND),
September, 2010
- 11. Annual Conference of the American Water Resources Association, Seattle (USA),
November, 2009
- XXXVI, Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists, Toyama (JAPAN),
September, 2008
- XXXV, Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists, Lisbon (PORTUGAL),
September, 2007.
- International Water Congress-Watershed Management for Water supply systems, New York,
(USA), June, 2003.
- International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management,
Vienna, (AUSTRIA), May 2003.
- 2nd International Conference International Conference on Salt water intrusion and Coastal
aquifers, Merida, (MEXICO), March 2003.
- XXXII, Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists, Mar Del Plata
(ARGENTINA), October 2002.
- International Groundwater Modelling Workshop “Practical simulation of variable-density flow, solute transport, and seawater intrusion”, Amsterdam, (THE NETHERLANDS), February, 2002.
- XXXI, Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists, Munchen (GERMANY),
September, 2001.
- International Course "PHREEQC-2" (Hydrogeochemical Modelling), Amsterdam,
(THE NETHERLANDS), March, 2000.
- XXVIII, Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists, Las Vegas (USA),
October 1998
- XXVII Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists, Nottingham (UK), September 1997
- Serbian (mother tongue)
- English (fluent)
- French (basic)
Scientific Papers::
- Milenic D., Krunic O., Milankovic Dj., 2012: "Thermomineral waters of inner dinarides karst", Acta carsologica
- D. Milenic, A. Vranjes, Dj. Milankovic, 2012: Utilisation of Hydrogepthermal Energy for Open Space Surface Heating, Serbia Case Study, Abstract Proceedings of the AWRA 48th Annual Water Resources Conference, Jaccksowille, Florida, USA
- D. Milenic, N. Savic, N. Doroslovac, 2012: Possible Impact of Climate Changes on Groundwater Resources in Intergranular Aquifers in Serbia, Abstract Proceedings of the AWRA 48th Annual Water Resources Conference, Jaccksowille, Florida, USA
- 75. D. Milenic, 2012: Istraživanje, korišćenje i razvoj geotermalnih energetskih resursa u Republici Srbiji, Geološki glasnik 33 Nova serija 1, Ministarstvo industrije, energetike i rudarstva, Republički zavod za geološka istraživanja, Zvornik, ISSN 2233-1824
- D. Milenic, A. Vranjes, N. Doroslovac, B. Dončev, 2012: Possibilities for multipurpose use of karst groundwater in central parts of Belgrade (Serbia), Proceedings of the 7th EUREGEO, Bologna, Italy.
- D. Milenic, N. Savic, M. Jovanovic, 2012: Resources and healing properties of sulphur-hydrogen mineral waters of Serbia, Proceedings of the 7th EUREGEO, Bologna, Italy.
- . D. Milenic, Dj. Milankovic, A. Vranjes, N. Savic, N, Doroslovac, B. Dončev, M. Jovanović, 2012: Karst groundwater potential for water supply of settlements on Zlatibor mountain massif (Western Serbia), Proceedings of the 20th International Karstological School “Classical Karst” Karst Forms and Processes, Postojna, Slovenia
- D. Milenic, Dj. Milankovic, 2012: Novi osvrt na vodonosnost ultramafita zlatiborskog planinskog masiva, Zbornik radova XIV srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zlatibor
- D. Milenic, A. Vranjes, 2012: Izrada hidrogeoloških dubleta kao optimalnog načina eksploatacije i korišćenja subhidrogeotermalnih resursa, Zbornik radova XIV srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zlatibor
- D. Milenic, N. Savic, 2012: Kvalitet podzemnih voda i zemljišta u zoni bombardovanih rezervoara 1999. godine na prostoru toplane Novi Beograd, Zbornik radova XIV srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zlatibor
- Stevanović, Z., Saljnikov, A., Milenić, D., Martinović, M., Goričanec, D., Komatina, M., Dokmanović, P., Antonijević, D., Vranješ, A., Magazinović, S., 2011: Prospects for wider energetic utilisation of subgeothermal water resources: Eastern Serbia case study, Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva, 2011 (72): 131-141, DOI: 10.2298/GABP11721315
- D. Milenic, M. Milivojevic, M. Martinovic, A. Vranjes, S. Magaznovic, 2011: Istraživanje, korišćenje i razvoj geotermalnih energetskih resursa u Republici Srbiji, Monografija: Četrdeset godina Departmana za Hidrogeologiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Departman za hidrogeologiju, Đušina 7, 2011, Beograd, pp. 79-115, ISBN 978-86-7352-260-9, COBISS SR-ID 187923468
- Z. Stevanovic, P. Dokmanovic, D. Polomcic, I. Matic, D. Milenic, 2011: Istorijski razvoj, položaj i perspektive Departmana za hidrogeologiju, Četrdeset godina Departmana za Hidrogeologiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Departman za hidrogeologiju, Đušina 7, 2011, Beograd, pp. 7-43, ISBN 978-86-7352-260-9, COBISS SR-ID 187923468
- D. Milenic, Dj. Milankovic, A. Vranjes, 2011: Mogućnosti flaširanja podzemnih voda Zlatiborskog ultramafitskog maasiva, Voda i sanitarna tehnika, ISSN 0350-5049, UDK:663.64.059(497.11)
- D. Milenic, N. Doroslovac, Dj. Milankovic, A. Vranjes, N. Savic, 2011: Analiza aktuelnih i potencijalnih zagađivača karstnih vrela u gornjem slivu reke Zlošnice (zapadna Srbija), Zbornik radova 7. simpozijum o zaštiti karsta, Bela Palanka, ISBN 978-86-907923-1-3, UDC 551.49:504.05(497.11)
- Z. Pantelic, D. Milenic, Dj. Milankovic, A. Vranjes, N. Savic, 2011: Vodosnabdevanje Tutina-trenutno stanje i perspektive, Jedanaesta međunarodna konferencija Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi, Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarni inženjerstvo, Jahorina, Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije 628.1/.3(082), ISBN978-86-82931-41-61, COBISS.SR-ID 183722252
- D. Milenic, Dj. Milankovic A. Vranjes, N. Savic, N. Doroslovac, 2011: Application of geoelectrical methods in groundwater pollution front delineation in karst, Serbia case study, Abstract Proceedings of the AWRA 47 th Annual Water Resources Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
- D. Milenic, N. Savic, 2011: Mogucnost vodosnabdevanja mesnih zajednica na levoj obali Zapadne Morave (opstina Trstenik), 32 Naucno-strucni skup sa medjunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik radova Vodovod i kanalizacija 2011, Kladovo, Srbija
- D. Milenic, Dj. Milankovic, A. Vranjes, N. Savic, N, Doroslovac, 2011: Groundwater protection of Bjelanac spring on Zlatar mountain (Western Serbia), Proceedings of the 19th International Karstological School “Classical Karst” Karst Underground Protection, Postojna, Slovenia
- D. Milenić, Đ. Milanković, A.Vranješ, S. Prohaska, 2011: Definisanje zona sanitarne zaštite na akumulaciji „Zlatibor” u Ribnici, Jedanaesta medjunarodna konferencija Vodovodni I kanalizacioni sistemi, Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarni inženjerstvo, Jahorina, Pale, pp. 69-75, Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije 628.1/.3(082) ISBN 978-86-82931-41-61, COBISS.SR-ID183722252
- D. Milenic, A. Vranjes, 2011: Utilisation of hydrogeothermal energy by use of heat pumps in Serbia – current state and perspectives, World Renewable Energy Congress Linköping, Sweden, pp. 1265-172, ISSN (print):1650-3686 ISSN (online):1650-3740, ISBN:978-91-7393-070-3
- Milenic, D., Milankovic Dj., Vranjes A., 2010: Factors of Thermomineral Groundwaters of Josanicka Banja Spa, Central Serbia, Proseedings of the XXXVIII IAH Congress, Krakow, Poland
- Milenic, D., Savic N., Veljкovic, Z., Doroslovac, N., 2010: Thermomineral groundwaters of Matarusкa banja Spa, Central Serbia, Proceeding of the XXVIII IAH Congress “Groundwater quality sustainability”, Кraкow, Poland
- Milenic, D., Savic, N., Milankovic, Dj., Vranjes, A., Doroslovac, D., 2010: Termomineral water of Ovcar Banja Spa, Dinarides of Western serbia, Proceedings of the 18th International Karstological School “Classical karst- Dinaric karst“, Postojna, Slovenia
- Stevanović, Z., Milenić, D., Dokmanović, P., Martinović, M., Saljnikov, A., Komatina, M., Antonijević, D., Vranješ, A., Magazinović, S., 2010: Subgeothermal resources of Serbia, energetical perspectives and potential of applications, Proceeding of the 15th congress of geologists of Serbia with international participation, Belgrade
- Milenic, D., Savic N., Doroslovac, N., 2010: Factors of the chemical composition forming of the Matarusкa banja Spa thermomineral water, Proceeding of the 15th congress of geologists of Serbia with international participation, Belgrade,
- Savic N., Milenic, D., Krunić O., Đorđević M., 2010: Possibilites of manifold utilisation of Mataruska banja spa thermomineral waters, Kongres Banja sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija
- Milenic, D., Rabrenovic, D., Milankovic, Dj., Vranjes, A. 2009: Geological-hydrogeological characteristics of the Cemernica mountainous massif, Annales géologiques de la péninsule Balkanique, Belgrade, Serbia
50. Milenic, D., Dragisic, V., Vrvic, M., Milankovic, Dj., Vranjes, A., 2009: Hyperalkaline mineral waters of Zlatibor ultramafic massif in Western Serbia, Europe, Proceedings of the AWRA International Water Congress-Watershed Management for Water supply systems, Seattle, USA
- Milenic, D., Savic, N., Veljkovic, Z., Stanojkovic, Dj. 2009: Impact of afforestation on groundwater regime and quality, Northern Serbia case study, Europe, Proceedings of the AWRA International Water Congress-Watershed Management for Water supply systems, Seattle, USA
- Milenic, D., Milankovic, Dj., Klickovic, M., Vranjes, A., Savic, N. 2009: Cave systems of Zlatibor mountain massif, Proceedings of the 17th International Karstological School “Classical karst”- Cave climates, Postojna, Slovenia
- Milenic, D., Vranjes, A., Vasiljevic, P. 2009: Criteria for use of groundwater as renewable energy source in geothermal heat pump systems for building heating/cooling purposes, Energy and buildings, Journal, (accepted, in press).
- Milenic, D., Petric, M., 2009: Groundwaters of Serbian and Slovenian dinaric karst - comparison of current status, use, vulnerability and perspectives, Acta carsologica, Journal (accepted, in press)
- Milenic, D., Vasiljevic, P. Milenic, M. 2009: Investigations and applications of low enthalpy hydrogeothermal resources for space heating in public utility company “Belgrade Heating Plant”, Serbia, Portoroz 2009
- Milenic, D., Milankovic, Dj., 2008: Genesis of thermomineral groundwaters of Josanicka banja spa, central Serbia, Proceedings of the III International Symposium of geologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Neum, Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Milenic, D., Vasiljevic, P. Milenic, M. 2008: Use of renewable hydrogeothermal resources in providing heat for office buildings and hotel of public utility company “Belgrade Heating Plant”, Belgrade, Serbia, Europe, Proceedings of the XXXVI IAH Congress, Toyama, Japan
- Milenic, D., Vranjes, A., Savic, N., Veljkovic, Z. 2008: Indicators of impact of heat island effect on ground water energetic potential on the territory of New Belgrade, Serbia, Europe, Proceedings of the XXXVI IAH Congress, Toyama, Japan
- Milenic, D., Dragisic, V., Savic, N., Vranjes, A., 2008: Uranium mine waters environmental impact in Eastern Serbia, Proceedings of the International Conference of IMWA, Karlovi Vary, Czech Republic
- Allen, A., Milenic, D., 2007: Fractured Old Red Sandstone Aquifers of the Cork Harbour region: Groundwater barriers between adjacent karstic systems, Chapter 11, Monograph Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, editors: Krasny, J., Sharp, J. M. 179-189, IAH, Taylor & Francis group, London
- Milenic, D., Papic, P., Milankovic, Dj., 2007: Environmental impact of sawmill by-products degradation-groundwater quality case study, Western Serbia, Proceedings of the XXXV IAH Congress - Groundwater and ecosystems, Lisbon, Portugal
- Milenic, D., Vranjes, A., Savic, N., 2007: Karstic hydrological ecosystem of Cemernica mountain, Western Serbia, Proceeding of the XXXV IAH Congress - Groundwater and ecosystems, Lisbon, Portugal
- Vranjes, A., Milankovic, Dj., Savic, N., Milenic, D., 2007: Hydrogeology of the Pribojska banja spa thermal karst groundwaters, Book of Abstracts, 15th International Karstological School “Classical karst”- Management of transboundary karst aquifers, Postojna, Slovenia
- Allen, A., Milenic, D., 2007: Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment of the Cork Harbour Area, SW Ireland, Environmental Geology, Original Article, 0943-0105 (Print) 1432-0495 (Online), DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-0670-5, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
- Milenic, D., Papic, P., Ivankovic, B. 2006: Application of hydrochemical coefficients in determination of groundwater genesis, thermomineral waters “Mivela” case study, Central Serbia, Proceedings of Abstracts, II International Symposium of geologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina, p. 78, Teslic, Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Milenic, D., Allen, A. 2005: Karst waters of southwest Ireland, Proceedings of the Conference Water resources & environmental problems in karst, 275-283, Serbian National Committee of IAH, Belgrade
- Lazic, M., Milenic, D., Djokic, V., Nikolic, J., 2005: Hydrogeology of thermal waters in Vrdnik basin, Northern Serbia, Proceedings of the Conference Water resources & environmental problems in karst, 817-823, Serbian National Committee of IAH, Belgrade
- Milenic, D. et al, 2005: Application of hydrochemical genetic coefficients in groundwater origin determination (Visnjicka banja spa case study), Proceedings of 7th Hellenic Hydrogeological Conference on fissured rocks hydrology, 273-281, Hellenic Chapter of IAH, Athens, Greece.
- Milenic, D., Allen, A., 2005: Buried valley ribbon aquifers: A significant groundwater resource of south west Ireland, Chapter 14, Monograph Groundwater and Human Development, editors: Bocanegra, E., Hernandez, M., Usunoff, E., 171-185, UNESCO and IAH, Balkema publishers, London
- Milenic, D., Allen, A. 2004: Brakich water intrusion problems in Cork City and Harbour, SW Ireland, Proceedings of the 18th Salt water intrusion meeting, Cartagena, Spain
- Milenic, D., Allen, A., Goggin, B., 2003: Annual variations in chemical composition of water in the Cork City water supply scheme as an indicator of agricultural impact, Proceedings of the AWRA International Water Congress-Watershed Management for Water supply systems, New York, USA
- Dragisic, V., Spadijer, S., Milenic, D., 2003: Aquifer control techniques in a karst environment, the Southeast Serbia case study, First Conference in Applied Environmental Geology in Central and eastern Europe, Abstract volume, BE-228, Vienna, Austria
- Allen, A., Milenic, D., 2003: Drainage problems during construction operations within a buried valley gravel aquifer, RMZ-Materials and Geoenvironment, 50, 1-4, Bled, Slovenia.
- Milenic, D., Allen, A., 2003: The role of the fractured aquifer between two karstic systems: connection zone or groundwater barrier?, Proceedings of the IAH International Conference on groundwater in fractured rocks, Prague, Czech Republic
- Allen, A., Milenic, D., Sikora, P., 2003: Shallow groundwater aquifers and the Urban ‘Heat Island’ Effect: a source of low enthalpy geothermal energy, Geothermics Journal, Geothermics 32, 569-578
- Allen, A., Milenic, D., 2003: Low Enthalpy Geothermal Heat Resources from Groundwater in Fluvioglacial Gravels of buried Valleys, Journal of Applied Energy, Vol. 74, Issues 1-2, 9-19, Elsevier Science.
- Milenic, D., Allen, A., Koeniger, P., 2003: Isotopic and Hydrochemical investigation of ground-surface-atmospheric water-system relations, Cork, Ireland, Book of Extended Synopses of the International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management, 160-161, United Nations, Vienna, Austria
- Milenic, D., Allen, A., 2003: Impact of tidal variations on the groundwater beneath Cork City, SW Ireland, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Salt water intrusion and Coastal aquifers, Merida, Mexico
- Milenic, D., Allen, A., 2002: Lee Buried Valley - A Significant Groundwater Resource: SW Ireland , Selected Balkema papers, Proceedings of the XXXII IAH Congress, ISBN 987-544-063-9, Mar Del Plata, Argentina
- Milenic, D., Allen, A., 2002: Hydrogeological characteristics and groundwater reserves evaluation in the ribbon aquifers along buried valleys of the Southwest Ireland (in Serbian), Proceedings of the XIII Yugoslavian Symposium on hydrogeology and engineering geology, 269-279, Herceg Novi, Yugoslavia,
- Allen, A., McCarthy, I., Milenic, D., Higgs, B., Davis, T., 2002: Buried valleys in the Cork area: location and resource estimation, Book of abstracts, 12th Irish Environmental Researches Colloquium - Environ 2002, 56, Cork, Ireland
- Milenic, D., Allen, A., 2002: Groundwater resources of the Cork City/HArbour Area, Ireland, Book of abstracts, 12th Irish Environmental Researches Colloquium - Environ 2002, 56, Cork, Ireland
- Allen, A., Milenic, D., 2001: Preliminary Assessment of Groundwater Resources and Groundwater Quality in the Cork City/Harbour Area, Ireland , Proceedings of the XXXI IAH Congress, Munich, Germany
- Dragisic, V., Milenic, D., Miladinovic, B., Spadijer, S., 2000: Hydrochemical zonation of magmatic massifs of Serbia, Book of Abstracts, 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Miladinovic, B., Dragisic, V., Papic, P., Milenic, D., 1999: Hydrochemical zonation of ground water in some coal deposits of Eastern Serbia, Proceedings of the XXIX IAH Congress, 797-803, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
- Dragisic, V., Vrvic, M, Miladinovic, B., Milenic, D., 1999: Mine and tailing dump waters of the copper ore deposits in Serbia and environmental protections - hydrogeochemical aspects, Proceedings of the International Congress "Mine, Water & Environment for the 21st Century", Vol. II, Ch. 7., Seville, Spain.
- Dragisic, V., Tisma, R., Milenic, D., Miladinovic, B., Potkonjak, B., [padijer, S., 1999: Hyperalkaline mineral waters of Serbia, Proceedings of the International Conference "Water for 21st century”", 611-619, Belgrade.
- Miladinovic, B., Dragisic, V., Papic, P., Milenic, D., 1998.: Hydrochemical zonality of the groundwaters in some coal mines at Eastern Serbia, Proceedings of the Faculty of mining and geology for 1997, Belgrade.
- Milanovic, G., Lazic, M., Filipovic, B., Milenic, D., Krunic, O., 1998.: Prospects for mineral water abstraction at Magovo town, Proceedings of the XIII Congress of Yugoslav geologists, 447-455, Herceg Novi.
- Pusic, M., Dragisic, V., Polomcic, D., Milenic, D., 1998.: An example of the groundwater contamination by fluorine at the watersource "Carine"”, Proceedings of the XIII Congress of Yugoslav geologists, 325-335, Herceg Novi.
- Dragisic, V., Milenic, D., Miladinovic, B., 1998: Excessive fluoride contamination of ground water near Kladovo, Yugoslavia, Proceedings of the XXVIII IAH Congress Gambling with groundwater, 269-273, Las Vegas, SAD
- Dragisic, V., Dokmanovic, P., Milenic, D., 1997.: Hydrogeology of artesian horizons in the "Kladovo key" area. Proceedings of the Symposia “100 years of hydrogeology in Yugoslavia”, 153-159, Belgrade.
- Vujasinovic, S., Matic, I., Lozajic, A., Dasic, M., Papic, P., Milenic, D., 1997.: Hydrogeological problems concerning the multipurpose use of Belgrade’s groundwater resources. Proceedings of the XXVII IAH Congress on Groundwater in the urban environment, Vol. II, 263-266, Nottingham.
- Dragisic, V., Miladinovic, B., Milenic, D., 1997.: Pollution of ground waters in Donji Milanovac. Proceedings of the XXVII IAH Congress on Groundwater in the urban environment, Vol. I 395-399, Nottingham.
- Dragisic, V., Milenic, D., 1997.: Hydrochemical zonality of vulcanite in the Timocka eruptive area, Proceedings of the International symposia about exploration of mine deposits, 77-85, Belgrade.
- Dragisic, V., Miladinovic, B., Milenic, D., 1996.: Protection of "Ostrelj" spring from the "Krivelj" tailing dump wastewater. Proceedings of the 3. Symposia "Carst protection", Belgrade.
- Dragisic, V., Papic, P., Vrvic, M., Miladinovic, B., Milenic, D., 1996.: Arsenic waters of Eastern Serbia. Proceedings of the XI Yugoslavian Symposium on hydrogeology and engineering geology, 579-584, Budva.
- Miladinovic, B., Dragisic, V., Bacic, S., Milenic, D., 1996: Hydrogeological characteristics and drainage of the coal deposit "Senjski Rudnik"”. Proceedings of the XI Yugoslav hydrogeology & engineering geology symposia, 491-500, Budva.
- Dragisic, V., Miladinovic, B., Milenic, D., 1996.: Hydrogeological model of Soko brown coal deposit at Soko Banja. Proceedings of the Advice “"Mining geology at crossing”", 331-335, Belgrade.
Performing geothermal research for geothermal development information database for the territory of Belgrade
Study the possibility of using renewable energy sources for the various utilization
on the part of Corridor 11 (Pešter Plateau)
Research studies on the exploitation of renewable geothermal energy in the concept
of improving energy efficiency in buildings in the Republic of Serbia
Cadastre of geothermal source in the city of Belgrade
Project assessing the impact of climate change on the regime and ground water quality
(Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia)
Groundwater potential and base for its sustainable utilisation (in progres)
(Ministry of Education and Science, Proj. no. 176022)
Research and implementation of renewable subgeothermal groundwater resources
in the concept of increasing energy efficiency in buildings (in progres) (Ministry of Education and Science, Proj. no. 33053)
Optimization and utilization of renewable subgeothermal groundwater resources
(Ministry of Science and technology, Proj. no. 18008)
Investigations, evaluation and importance of groundwater resources in a concept of
sustainable development in Serbia (Ministry of Science and technology, Proj. no.
Hydrogeothermal potential of the Belgrade city Area, phase II, detailed evaluation
UNDP Feasibility study for the remediation of the Bor mine surface- and groundwaters (in progress)
Hydrogeothermal potential of the Belgrade city Area, phase I, estimation
Impact of vegetation covers on a water cycle in Serbia (Phase 1: Impact of afforestation on groundwater regime and quality)
Hydrogeological study of hyperalkaline mineral waters of the Mokra Gora region,
Hydrogeological study of the gold deposit in the plagiogranites in the Grabova reka
Hydrogeological study of the fluorine pollution at the "Carine" source in the Kladovo
Hydrogeological study for the water supply of the Donji Milanovac region
Hydrogeological study of the "Srebrno Jezero" lake
- PC skills
(Windows, MS Office, Corel Draw, Aqua Chem, Hydrochem, Aquifer Test, Rockware, Surfer, Grapher, Visual Modflow, PHREEQC-2, AutoCad...)
- GIS (ArcView, MapInfo)
- Trained for work in short deadlines
- Prefer both, team and individual work
- Driving license (B category), from 1989.