Curriculum Vitae

Description: BD15155_

name, title                         Dr Biljana Abolmasov, Associate Professor

residence                          Belgrade, Serbia


phone (office)                  +381 113 219 225

date and place of birth      10.11.1963, Belgrade, Serbia

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2007                  University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology - PhD degree

1995                  University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Master of Science degree

1988                 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department for Geotechnics – Engineering degree


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2012– present   University of Belgrade, Project of the Ministry for Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2011-2015), Technology Development Project TR36009: THE APPLICATION OF GNSS AND LIDAR TECHNOLOGY FOR INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES AND TERRAIN STABILITY MONITORING, (Project Leader)

2012–2015       University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Project of International Program on Landslides and International Consortium on Landslides: STUDY ОF SLOW MOVING LANDSLIDE UMKA NEAR BELGRADE, SERBIA, (IPL Ongoing Project/Project No 181), (Project Leader).

2012–2013       University of Belgrade, Project funded Funded by the Czech Development Agency within the program of Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic. Project managers - Palacky University in Olomouc, Department of Development Studies and collaborators: Metropolitan University Prague - Czech Republic, University of Mostar - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Academy of Economic Studies – Moldova, University of Belgrade – Serbia. BUILDING CAPACITIES OF UNIVERSITIES IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, MOLDOVA AND SERBIA ORGANIZATION”. Project Leader: Prof. Pavel Nováček, Palacký University, Olomouc (Project Coordinator for Serbia).

2012-2013        Bilateral Project with the Republic of Slovenia for project cycle 2012-2013, Decision of the Ministry for Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia number 651-03-1251/2012-09/13: ADRIA-BALKAN REGIONAL NETWORK: LANDSLIDE RISK MITIGATION FOR SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT, (Project Leader)

2010-2012        Bilateral Project with the Republic of Croatia for project cycle 2010-2012, Decision of the Ministry for Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia number 69-00-160/2009-02/12: GEOHAZARDINFO: VIRTUAL GEOHAZARDS DATA CENTRE, (Project Leader)

2008–2011       University of Belgrade, Project of the Ministry for Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2008-2011), Technology Development Project TR22010: CAUSES OF APPEARANCE OF CATASTROPHIC LANDSLIDES AND ROCKFALLS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE WATER MANAGEMENT OF SERBIA (participant)


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2013-present     University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Associate Professor in subjects: Principles of Engineering Geology, Engineering Geodynamics, Engineering Geology, Field practice-engineering geological investigations, Geological Hazards and Risk

2007–2013       University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Assistant Professor in subjects: Principles of Engineering Geology, Engineering Geodynamics, Engineering Geology, Field practice-engineering geological investigations, Geological Hazards

1996–2007       University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, teaching assistant participating in teaching/exercising and examining in subjects: Building materials, Engineering Geology, Engineering Geodynamics

1990-1996        University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, teaching assistant in Building materials, Engineering Geology, Engineering Geodynamics


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Journals (ISI listed)


Abolmasov, B., Milenković, S., Marjanović, M., Đurić, U., Jelisavac, B. (2014). A geotechnical model of the Umka landslide with reference to landslides in weathered Neogene marls in Serbia. Landslides, On-line (2014). DOI 10.1007/s10346-014-0499-4, ISSN 1612-510X.

Mihalić Arbanas, S., Arbanas, Ž., Abolmasov, B., Mikoš, M., Komac M. (2013). The ICL Adriatic-Balkan Network:analysis of current state and planned activities. Landslides 10 (2013):103–109. DOI 10.1007/s10346-012-0364-2, ISSN 1612-510X

Pejić M., Božić B., Abolmasov B., Gospavić Z. (2013). Design and optimisation of laser scanning for tunnels geometry inspection. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 37 (2013): 199-206. DOI10.1016/j.tust.2013.04.004. Corrigendum to „Design and optimisation of laser scanning for tunnels geometry inspection“, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 38 (2013): 287. DOI10.1016/j.tust.2013.07.001. ISSN 0886-7798

Marjanović M., Abolmasov B., Đurić U., Zečević S. (2013). Impact of geo-environmental factors on landslide susceptibility using an AHP method: A case study of Fruška Gora Mt., Serbia. Annales Geologiques de la Peninsule Balkanique 74: 91-100. ISSN 0350-0608

Dragićević, S., Carević, I., Kostadinov, S., Novković, I., Abolmasov, B., Milojković B. & Simić D. (2012). Landslide Susceptibility Zonation in The Kolubara River Basin (Western Serbia) – Analisys of Input Data. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7(2), 37 – 47. ISSN 1842-4090

Ristić, R., Kostadinov, S., Abolmasov, B., Dragićević, S., Trivan, G., Radić, B., Trifunović, M. & Radosavljević, Z. (2012). Torrential floods and town and country planning in Serbia, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciencies, 12, 23-35, DOI:10.5194/nhess-12-23-2012. ISSN 1561-8633.

Dragićević S., Filipović D., Kostadinov S., Ristić R., Novković I., Živković N., Anđelković G., Abolmasov B., Šećerov V. & Đurđić S. (2011). Natural Hazard Assessment for Land-Use Planning in Serbia. International Journal of Environmental Research 5(2) 371-380. ISSN 1735-6865.

Ristić, A., Abolmasov, B., Govedarica, M., Petrovački, D., Ristić, A. (2012). Shallow-landslide spatial structure interpretation using a multi-geophysical approach. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica 9(1). 47–59. ISSN 1854-0171

Abolmasov B., Jovanovski M., Ferić, P. & Mihalić, S. (2011). Loesses Due to Historical Earthquakes in The Balkan Region: overview of publicly available data. Geofizika. Vol. 28. 161- 181. ISSN 0352-3659.

Marjanović, M., Kovačević, M., Bajat B., Mihalić, S. & Abolmasov, B. (2011). Landslide Assessment of Starča Basin (Croatia) Using Machine Learning Algorithms. 45-55. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica 8(2). ISSN 1854-0171.


International - Only peer reviewed

Abolmasov, B., Milenković, S., Jelisavac, B. and Vujanić V. (2013). Landslide Umka: The First Automated Monitoring Project in Serbia. Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 2: Early Warning,Instrumentation and Monitoring (Eds) C. Margottini, P Canuti, K Sassa, XIX, 339-346, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidlelberg, 2013. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-31445-2_44, ISBN 978-3-642-31444-5,

Abolmasov, B., Ristić, A. and Govedarica M. (2013). Applying GPR and 2D ERT for Shallow Landslides Characterization: A Case Study. Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 2: Early warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring (Eds) C. Margottini, P Canuti, K Sassa, XIX, 495-502, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidlelberg, 2013. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-31445-2_65, ISBN 978-3-642-31444-5,

Jovanovski, M., Abolmasov, B. and Peshevski I. (2013). Analyses of Landslide Hazard Evaluation Factors Using Polynomial Interpolation. Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 1:  Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and hazard Zoning. (Eds) C. Margottini, P Canuti, K Sassa, XVIII, 561-566,  Springer Verlag Berlin Heidlelberg, 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-31324-0.

Abolmasov, B., Mihalić, S., Hadži-Niković, G., Marjanović, M. & Krkač, M. (2010). Socioeconomic influence of Natural Disasters in the Western Balkan countries. Scientific Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Proceedings of the XIX CBGA Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, Special Volume 100, Thessaloniki 23-26 Septembre 2010, Editors: Christofides G., Kantiranis N., Kostopoulos D.S. & Chatzipetros A.A., 1-5. ISBN 978-960-9502-02-3

Abolmasov, B., Mihalić, S. (2010). Education and training of engineering geologists in the developing countries-from Serbia and Croatia-a case study. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the IAEG, Geologically Active, 5-10 September, Auckland, New Zealand, Williams et al (eds), 3987-3995. Taylor&Francis Group, London, 2010, ISBN 978-0-415-60034-7.

Tahov, V., Tornjanski, I., Abolmasov, B. (2010). Concept of forming and usage of engineering geological investigations data base in the area of Belgrade City, Serbia. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the IAEG, Geologically Active, 5-10 September, Auckland, New Zealand, Williams et al (eds), 1587-1593. Taylor&Francis Group, London, 2010, ISBN 978-0-415-60034-7.

Abolmasov, B., Hadži-Niković, G. (2010). The socioeconomic influence of geological hazards in developing countries – Republic of Serbia case study. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the IAEG, Geologically Active, 5-10 September, Auckland, New Zealand, Williams et al (eds), 941-948. Taylor&Francis Group, London, 2010, ISBN 978-0-415-60034-7.

Djurić U., Abolmasov, B., Pavlović R., Trivić B. (2011). Using ArcGis for Landslide Umka 3D Visualization. Proceeding of 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies. Belgrade, 14-18 September 2011, 21-25. ISBN 978-86-86053-10-7.

Abolmasov, B., Šušić, V., Zečević, S. (2011). Applying Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology on Rock Slope-A Case Study. Proceeding of 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies. Belgrade, 14-18 September 2011, 135-138. ISBN 978-86-86053-10-7.

Abolmasov, B., Milenković, S., Pejić, M., Stepanović, G. & Gospavić, Z. (2011). Using autonomous GNSS senzors in monitoring of slow moving landslides-a case study. Proceedings of the International Conference EngeoPro 2011. Moscow, 6-8 September 2011, 266-270. ISBN 978-5-903926-20-6.

Abolmasov B., Ristić A., Pejić M. & Šušić V. (2011). The application of terrestrial laser scanning for monitoring on landslide activity. Proceedings of the International Conference EngeoPro 2011. Moscow, 6-8 September 2011, 271-274. ISBN 978-5-903926-20-6.

Abolmasov, B., Milenković, S., Jelisavac, B., Vujanić, V., Pejić, M., Pejović, M. (2012). Using GNSS sensors in real time monitoring of slow moving landslides-a case study. Landslides and Engineered Slopes: Protecting Society through Improved Understanding – Eberhardt et al. (eds). Proceedings of the 11th International and 2nd American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Banff, Canada, 3-8 June, 2012. Taylor&Francis Group, London, 1381-1385. ISBN 978-0-415-62123-6

Abolmasov, B., Đurić, U., Pavlović, R., Trivić, B. (2012). Tracking of slow moving landslide by photogrametric data-a case study. Landslides and Engineered Slopes: Protecting Society through Improved Understanding – Eberhardt et al. (eds). Proceedings of the 11th International and 2nd American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Banff, Canada, 3-8 June, 2012. Taylor&Francis Group, London, 1359-1363. ISBN 978-0-415-62123-6

Đurić, U., Marjanović, M., Šušić, V., Petrović, R., Abolmasov, B., Zečević, S., Basarić I. (2013). Land-use suitability analysis of Belgrade city suburbs using machine learning algorithm. Proceeding of 10th International Symposium, Geoinformatics for City transformations, GIS Ostrava 2013, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 21-23 January 2013, Ivan I., Lonley P., Horak J., Fritsch D., Cheshire J. and Inspektor T. (eds). Technical University of Ostrava. 49-61. ISSN 1213-2454, ISBN 978-80-248-2974-6.

Marjanović M., Abolmasov B., Đurić U., Zečević S., Šušić V. (2013). Basic kinematic analysis of rock slope using terrestrial 3D laser scanning on the M-22 highroad pilot site. Proceedings of the EUROCK 2013 – Rock mechanics for resources, Energy and Environment. 23-26 September 2013. Wroclaw, Poland. Kwasniewski M., Lydzba D.(Eds). Taylor&Francis Group London, Vol 1, 679-683. ISBN 978-1-138-00080-3.



Description: BD15155_

LANDSLIDE TYPES AND PROCESSES IN SERBIA - Participation as quest expert with presentation in: I Project Workshop International experience of the Croatia-Japan Project “Risk identification and land-use planning for disaster mitigation of landslides and floods in Croatia” Dubrovnik, Croatia, 22-24 November 2010.

LANDSLIDE RISK REDUCTION IN SERBIA - Participation as country representative and quest expert with presentation in Workshop “Disaster reduction (landslides) in the South-East Europe” organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan - Tokyo, Japan, 14-17 December 2010.

THE APPLICATION OF TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNING FOR MONITORING ON LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY – Key note speaker, Section 2.2. Exogenous geohazards and engineering protection – Slope processes. International Conference EngeoPro 2011, Moscow 6-8.09.2011.

3D TERRESTRAIL LASER SCANNING AND GPS TECHNOLOGY FOR SLOPE STABILITY INVESTIGATIONS-CASE STUDIES. 2nd Project workshop-Monitoring and analysis for disaster mitigation of landslides, debris flow and floods. Croatia-Japan Project on „Risk Identification and Land-Use Planning for Disaster Mitigation of Landslides and Floods in Croatia“. 15-17 December 2011, Rijeka, Croatia.

THE GEOTECHNICAL MODEL OF LANDSLIDES IN THE WEATHERED NEOGENE MARLS WITH REFERENCE TO BELGRADE AREA, SERBIA. The Mediterranean workshop on landslides-Landslides in hard soils and soft rocks, an open problem for Mediterranean countries-MWL 2013, Naples, Italy, 21-22 October 2013, Organized by Seconda Universitŕ di Napoli, the Universitŕ di Napoli Federico II and the Universitat Politechnica de Catalunya.


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Memberships    International Association of Engineering Geology and Environment (IAEG) - currently Chairman of IAEG C19;

International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE);

Serbian Geological Society;

International Consortium on Landslides, Representative for Serbia.