Dr Zoran Stevanovic, Professor




  • Professor of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining & Geology (FMG), Department of Hydrogeology, Belgrade, Serbia (ex. Yugoslavia - YU),
  • Chair of the Department of Hydrogeology FMG (2004-2012)
  • Chair of the Centre for Karst Hydrogeology (2008- )
  • President of the Serbian Geological Society (2012-2016) and President of Karst Commission of SGS
  • Consultant of the FAO/UN (2000- ), Geological Survey of Serbia, Belgrade (1997-1999), and IK Consulting Eng. (2004- 2012), Ad hoc consultancy for UNESCO; ITSC London, England; RPD Ltd. Mahe, Seychelles; CloZEd Loop Energy AG, Luzern, Switzerland


Ph.D. in geology: Faculty of Mining & Geology, the University of Belgrade (1987)
(Thesis: Hydrogeology and utilization of karstic aquifers of Eastern Serbia in water supply)
MS in geology: Faculty of Mining & Geology, the University of Belgrade (1982)
BS in geology: Faculty of Mining & Geology, the University of Belgrade (1979)


Head or participant in many research projects in Serbia and abroad (Algeria, Iraq, Georgia, Bhutan, Seychelles, Somalia, Ethiopia, Balkan and former YU countries) mainly concerning groundwater (GW) management, GW exploitation in municipal water supply, environmental impact studies, irrigation, reservoir water tightness, basic and detailed hydrogeological maps. Participant in many international cooperative research programmes and experts exchange (France, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, China, Slovenia etc).

Over 30 years of practical experience in designing and implementation of research projects and studies, primarily in the field of: Water resources management and evaluation; Exploration and assessment of resources of the karstic and intergranular aquifers; Control and engineering regulation of aquifer (optimizing tapping structures, artificial recharge); Sustainable development of GW sources and environmentally safe groundwater extraction; Environmental impact assessment studies; Hydrogeological mapping; Design of tapping structures, boreholes and wells; GW protection; Mineral and thermal waters exploitation and protection; Application of EU WFD - Delineation and characterization of groundwater bodies; Creation of groundwater monitoring network at national/regional level.


Professor at Faculty of Mining & Geology (FMG), University of Belgrade since 1998;
* Courses at undergraduate studies:
Methods of Hydrogeological Research; Groundwater Utilization in Water Supply.
* Courses at graduate studies:
Management of Groundwater Resources; Scientific Researches; Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers (International course and field seminar: www.karst.edu.rs);
Associate Professor at FMG 1993-1998
Assistant Professor at FMG 1988-1993;
Assistant at FMG 1979-1988.

Member of Scientific and Organizing Committees of numerous professional conventions in country and abroad. Organizing Secretary of the Symposium “100 Years of Hydrogeology in Yugoslavia” in 1997. Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee for IAH conference in Belgrade 2005. Participant in more than 40 international geological and hydrogeological conferences (with presentations). Editor or member of the Editorial Board of few geological journals (“Annales Geologique de la Peninsule Balkanique”, “Compte Rendu” of the Serbian Geological Society, “Transactions of FMG”, “Works – Geoinstitute”). Member of the scientific committee, invited lecturer or honourable guest of the numerous conventions and conferences in country and abroad (Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Spain, Hungary, Bosnia & Herzegovina). Member of the examination panels and invited lecturer of the Universities in Romania, Iraq, Italy, Hungary, China, Iran, Germany, USA. Member of Assembly of the University of Belgrade and the Scientific council on technical sciences 2006-2013. Award of the Serbian Geological Society in 1991 and award ‘Branislav Milovanovic’ in 2004, a few gratitude certificates from foreign universities and research centres (Italy, China, USA).


  • International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH): member since 1988; Associate member of IAH Karst Commission (KC) since 1998; KC member since 2009.
  • International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS): President of the National Committee of IUGS (2012- ).
  • Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA - International Association for Mid and SE Europe): Secretary of Hydrogeological Sub-commission (1987-1993),Member of the National Committee of CBGA (2009-2016).
  • Serbian Geological Society: President of the Society (2012-2016) and President of the Karst Commission (2013- ); Vice-president of the Society (1998-2002); Chairman of Hydrogeological Division (1994-2000); Member of the Executive Board (1985 - 1989); Secretary of Hydrogeological Division (1983-1989).
  • Scientific Society of Serbia: Permanent member since 2016.
  • Serbian Academy of Science and Arts: Member of the Board on Karst and Speleology since 1993, Co-Chair from 2013.
  • National Committee of IAH of Serbia: Member since its foundation in 1997.
  • Society of Geological Engineers of Serbia: Member of the Hydrogeology Section.
  • YU Federal Ministry of Development, Science and Environment: Expert of the Ministry until the year 2000.


Published 326 papers, 15 monographs and two textbooks.

A) Monographs

  1. Stevanović Z. (1991) Hidrogeologija karsta Karpato Balkanida istočne Srbije i mogućnosti vodosnabdevanja. Pos. izd. RGF, str. 245, Beograd
  2. Stevanović Z., Filipović B. (eds.) (1994) Ground waters in carbonate rocks of the Carpathian – Balkan mountain range (). Spec. ed. of Carpathian-Balkan Geol. Assoc., p. 237, Allston, Jersey
  3. Stevanović, Z. (ed.) (1995) Vodni mineralni resursi litosfere Srbije (Litospheric water mineral resources of Serbia). str. 340, Pos. izd. RGF, Univ. Bgd, Beograd,
  4. Stevanović, Z. (ed.) (1997) 100 godina hidrogeologije u Jugoslaviji, Vol. 1 (p. 368) and Vol. 2 (p. 330), Pos. izd. RGF, Univ. Bgd, Beograd
  5. Stevanović Z., Polomčić D. (eds.). (2000) Hydrogeological research of litosphere in Serbia. Spec. ed. Fac.Min.Geol., Univ. Bgd, p. 217, Belgrade
  6. Stevanović Z., Marković M. (2004) Hydrogeology of Northern Iraq. Vol 1: Climate, hydrology, geomorphology and geology. Spec. Publ. of FAO / UN, p. 122 (63 annexes), Rome
  7. Stevanović Z., Iurkiewicz A. (2004): Hydrogeology of Northern Iraq. Vol. 2 (General hydrogeology and aquifer systems. Spec. Publ. of FAO / UN, p. 175 (62 annexes), Rome
  8. Stevanović Z., Milanović P. (eds.) (2005) Water resources and environmental problems in karst. Proceedings of IAH Intern. conf. KARST 2005, p. 888, Belgrade
  9. Stevanović Z., Mijatović B. (eds.) (2005) Cvijić and karst / Cvijić et karst. Monograph, Spec. ed of Board of Karst and Speleology SANU, p. 405, Belgrade
  10. Maran, A. and Stevanović, Z. (2009): Iraqi Kurdistan environment - An invitation to discover, IK Consulting, Belgrade & ITSC, 210 pp., London
  11. Kresic, N. and Stevanović, Z. (Eds.) (2010): Groundwater hydrology of springs: Theory, management, and sustainability, Elsevier, 574 pp., Burlington-Oxford
  12. Stevanović, Z. (2010): Management of karstic aquifer of regional water system „Bogovina“(Eastern Serbia) / Regulacija karstne izdani u okviru regionalnog vodoprivrednog sistema „Bogovina“. Monograph, Faculty of Mining & Geology, University of Belgrade, 247 pp., Belgrade
  13. Stevanović, Z., Ristić-Vakanjac, V. and Milanović, S. (eds.) (2012): Climate changes and water supply (SE Europe Cooperation Programme), Spec. ed., Faculty of Mining & Geology, 556 pp.University of Belgrade, Belgrade
  14. Stevanović, Z. (ed.) (2015): Karst aquifers - Characterization and engineering, Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, 692 pp., Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London
  15. Stevanović, Z., Kresic, N. and Kukuric, N. (2016) (Eds.): Karst without boundaries, IAH Selected Papers edition, 376 pp. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

B) Papers and articles in monographs, journals and conference proceedings

    Period 1979 – 2005.

  1. STEVANOVIĆ Z. 1979: Kaptaže izdani i izvora, In: "Osnovi hidrogeologije" autora D.Cvetkovića (pogl. X). Pos. izd. Geol. obrazov. centra, str. 179 187. Beograd
  2. FILIPOVIĆ, B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ, N., STEVANOVIĆ, Z., MATIĆ, I. , 1980: Prilog poznavanju termalnih voda u lokalnosti Krivi Vir (I.Srbija). Zbornik radova VI jugosl. simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol., knj. I, str. 317 324. Summary. Portorož
  3. STEVANOVIĆ Z. 1981: Mogućnosti iskorišćavanja podzemnih voda za vodosnabdevanje u SR Srbiji. Naučni pregled 10 11, str. 111 118. Summary, Resume. Beograd
  4. STEVANOVIĆ Z. 1982: Hidrogeološke karakteristike i bilans izdanskih voda sliva vrela Mlave. "Naš krš", vol. 6, br. 12, 13, str. 67 78. Summary, Sarajevo
  5. FILIPOVIĆ, B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ, N., STEVANOVIĆ, Z., 1982: Prilog poznavanju termalnih voda u zoni Krupajskog vrela (I.Srbija). Zbornik radova VII jugosl simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol., knj. I, str. 185 192. Summary, Novi Sad
  6. FILIPOVIĆ B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ, N., STEVANOVIĆ, Z., 1982: Problematika ovodnjenosti ležišta uglja Ušćanskog basena. Zbornik radova X Kongresa geologa Jugoslavije, knj. III, str. 75 86. Resume, Budva
  7. FILIPOVIĆ B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ N., LAZIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1984: Hidrogeološka rejonizacija teritorije Beograda s aspekta iskorišćavanja izdanskih voda za potrebe vodosnabdevanja. Zbornik radova Savetovanja "Geol.istraž.u privrednom i prostornom razvoju Beograda", knj. II, str. 341 346. Beograd
  8. FILIPOVIĆ B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ N., LAZIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1984: O potrebi hidrogeoloških istraživanja za izradu lokalnih sistema za vodosnabdevanje naselja u okolini Beograda na primeru SO Barajevo. Zbornik radova Savetovanja "Geol. istraž. u privrednom i prostornom razvoju Beograda", knj. II, str. 373 381. Beograd
  9. DRAGIŠIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1984: O mogućnostima podzemnog isticanja dela karstnih izdanskih voda po obodu Timočke eruptivne oblasti. Zbornik radova VIII jugosl. simp.o hidrogeol i inž. geol., knj. I, str. 95 100. Budva
  10. FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1984: Predlog sadržaja elaborata o izvedenim hidrogeološkim istraživanjima u etapi osnovnih i detaljnih istraživanja. Zbornik radova VIII jugosl. simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol., knj. I, str. 491 496. Budva
  11. STEVANOVIĆ Z. 1984: Stanje i perspektive vodosnabdevanja karstnim izdanskim vodama Kučajsko beljaničkog masiva. Zbornik radova VIII jugosl. simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol., knj. I, str. 75 85. Resume, Budva
  12. FILIPOVIĆ B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ N., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1984: Uslovi zaštite ležišta karstnih izdanskih voda u Zaklopači (SO Vlasenica). Zbornik radova VIII jugosl. simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol., knj. I, str. 301 310. Resume, Budva
  13. STEVANOVIĆ Z. 1985: Hidrogeološke karakteristike karstne izdani Kučajsko beljaničkog masiva. Zbornik radova Odbora za kras i speleologiju SANU, knj. II, str. 65 95. Resume, Beograd
  14. FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ Z, 1985: O potrebi prikupljanja hidrogeoloških podataka tokom istražnog bušenja u okviru ležišta mineralnih sirovina. Zbornik radova I Jugosl. Savetov. o rudn. geolog., str. 89 96. Priština
  15. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1985: Uslovi zaštite karstnog izvorišta "Nemanja" kod Ćuprije. Zapisnici SGD za 1984, str. 159 167. Resume, Beograd
  16. STEVANOVIĆ Z., SIMIĆ M., 1985: Problematika eksploatacije podzemnih voda na širem području grada Laghouata (Alžir). Vesnik "Geozavoda", ser.B, br. XXI, str. 35 43. Resume, Beograd
  17. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., 1986: Karakteristike nekih manje poznatih vrela istočne Srbije. Zapisnici SGD za 1985, str. 29 32. Resume, Beograd
  18. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ I., 1986: Mogućnosti zahvatanja karstnih izdanskih voda iz gornjeg sliva Mlave za vodosnabdevanje Beograda ili drugih potrošača. Zbornik radova XI Kongresa geologa Jugoslavije, knj. V, str. 93 108. Tara. Publikovano takodje 1986. u časopisu Voda i sanitarna tehnika, br. VI, str. 17 26. Summary, Beograd
  19. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1986: Pojave bakterioloških zagadjenja i uslovi zaštite karstnih izdanskih voda na primerima iz Srbije. Zbornik radova XI Geol. kongresa, knj. V, str. 139 155. Resume, Tara
  20. STEVANOVIĆ Z., PROHASKA S., FILIPOVIĆ B., 1987: Hidrogeološki uslovi i odnos površinskih i podzemnih voda u zoni izvorišta za vodosnabdevanje Smederevske Palanke. Zbornik radova IX jugosl. simp. o hidrogeol i inž. geol., str.305 312. Resume, Priština
  21. FILIPOVIĆ, B., STEVANOVIĆ, Z., 1987: Novi prilozi poznavanju termomineralnih voda u Obrenovcu kod Beograda. Zbornik radova IX jugosl. simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol., str. 89 96. Resume, Priština
  22. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ N., PAPIĆ P., 1987: Uslovi formiranja i isticanja karstnih termalnih voda Bioske kod Titovog Užica. Zbornik radova IX jugosl. simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol., str. 297 304. Resume, Priština
  23. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1987: Kvalitet karstnih izdanskih voda u funkciji režima izdašnosti i položaja kote isticanja. "Naš krš", XIII, br. 22, str. 39 45. Summary, Sarajevo
  24. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1987: Neki aspekti odnosa površinskih i izdanskih voda u karstu. Geološki glasnik , Zavod za geol. istr. SR Crne Gore, knj. XI, str. 103 111. Summary, Titograd (Ref. in: Bull. scientif. Cons. Academ. RSFY, tome 32, no 7 12, Zagreb, 1987).
  25. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1987: Primena bilansno hidrometrijskih metoda za odredjivanje rezervi karstnih izdanskih voda. Vesnik "Geozavoda", ser.B, knj. XX, str. 1 13. Summary, Beograd (Ref.Bull. scientifique Cons. Academ. RSFY, tome 1, no 1 6, Zagreb, 1987).
  26. VUJASINOVIĆ, S., STEVANOVIĆ, Z., MATIĆ, I., 1987: Uslovi zaštite i ekscesna zagadjenja podzemnih voda u aluvijonu Zapadne Morave kod Lučana. Zbornik radova konf. "Zaštita voda '87", str 362 370. Kranjska Gora
  27. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1988: Kvalitet karstnih izdanskih voda istočne Srbije. Zbornik Odbora za kras i speleologiju SANU, br. III, Pos. izd., knj. DLXXXIX, Odelj. Prir. mat. nauka, knj. 63, str. 65 86. Resume, Beograd
  28. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1988: Mogućnosti povećanja kapaciteta sadašnjih izvorišta za vodosnabdevanje Paraćina i Ćuprije. Voda i sanitarna tehnika, god. XIII, januar 1988, br.I, str. 29 39. Abstract, Beograd
  29. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1988: Metodika i vidovi speleoloških istraživanja kod izrade Osnovnih hidrogeoloških karata. Zbornik radova X kongresa speleologa Jugoslavije, str. 19 29. Summary, Sarajevo
  30. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1988: Regime of the quality of karst ground waters in eastern Serbia (SFRY). Proceedings of XXI Congress IAH „Karst Hydrogeology and Karst Enviroment Protection“, vol. XXI, part. 2, Geol. publ. house, pp. 1000 1006. Beijing
  31. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1988: Rezultati simultane hidrometrije na nekim vodotocima u karstnim terenima. Zapisnici SGD za 1985 1986, str.325 331. Resume, Beograd
  32. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., 1989: Contributions to the classification of karst aquifers of eastern Serbia (SFRY). Proceedings of XIV Congress CBGA, pp.1126 1129. Sophia
  33. SIMIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1989: Hidrogeološke karakteristike i vodosnabdevanje područja Oum el Bouaghi (Alžir). Zapisnici SGD za 1987 1989, str. 313 320, Resume, Beograd
  34. VUJASINOVIĆ S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., MATIĆ I., 1989: Radioaktivno zagadjivanje podzemnih voda i tla u široj okolini Golupca na Dunavu. Zbornik rad. Savetovanjа o zaštiti od radijacije. Priština
  35. VUJASINOVIĆ S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., MATIĆ I., 1989: Problematika zagađivanja i zaštite podzemnih voda šire okoline Golupca na Dunavu. Zbornik radova Konf. "Zaštita voda '89", knj. II, str. 500 507. Rovinj
  36. FILIPOVIĆ B.,,STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., 1990: Mogućnosti veštačke regulacije režima isticanja i povećanja minimalnih kapaciteta izvorišta u karstu na primeru Bora. Vodoprivreda, 22, 625 632. Beograd
  37. STEVANOVIĆ Z., MANDIĆ M., 1990: Metodologija i prva iskustva pri izvodjenju speleoloških istraživanja za OHGK u Srbiji. Zbornik radova XII geol. kongr. Jugosl., knj. IV, str. 211 222. Summary, Ohrid
  38. STEVANOVIĆ Z. 1990: Mogućnosti i osnovi koncepcije dugoročnog vodosnabdevanja Srbije podzemnim vodama na primeru karstne izdani Karpato balkanida. Zbornik radova XII Geol. kongr. Jugosl., knj.IV, str. 22 232. Resume, Ohrid
  39. FILIPOVIĆ B., PERIĆ J., STEVANOVIĆ, Z., 1990: Osvrt na nacrt nove Vodoprivredne osnove i neadekvatan tretman podzemnih voda. Zbornik radova XII geol. kongr. Jugosl., knj IV., str. 314 319. Ohrid
  40. FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ Z., HAJDIN B., 1990: Prilog poznavanju hidrogeološke problematike šire zone "Kiseljaka" u Smederevskoj Palanci. Zbornik radova XII geol. kongr. Jugoslavije, str. 320 327. Ohrid
  41. PROHASKA S. STEVANOVIĆ Z. , 1990: Razvoj auto-krosregresionog modela za simuliranje izdašnosti karstnih vrela. Ref. Simp. "Čovjek i krš", Sarajevo
  42. FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., 1990: Primer veštačke regulacije karstne izdani izvorište za vodosnabdevanje Bora. Zapisnici SGD za 1990. Beograd
  43. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1991: Uvod u naučno istraživački rad u oblasti hidrogeologije - sa osnovama opšte naučne metodologije. Udžbenik, Pos. izd. RGF, str. 1 112. Beograd
  44. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1991: Caractères hydrogéologiques de l'aquifère karstique de la montagne Kučaj Beljanica (Yougoslavie). Proceedings of XXII Congres du IAH, «International conference on water resources in mountainous regions“, In: Memoires, Publ. of IAH, Vol. XXIII, part 2. pp. 899 906. Lausanne
  45. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1991: Hidrogeološke karakteristike karstnog oboda basena Rakove Bare, (Golubačke planine). Zapisnici SGD za 1987 1989, str. 159 166, Resume, Beograd
  46. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ, V. FILIPOVIĆ, B., 1991: The influence of the karst aquifer on ore deposits in east Serbia, Yugoslavia. Proceedings of 4 th. Intern. Mine Water Congress, September 1991, pp. 119-124. Ljubljana
  47. STEVANOVIĆ Z., VUJASINOVIĆ S., MATIĆ I., BOŽOVIĆ M., 1992: Kriterijumi izbora i rezultati istraživanja prvog izvorišta za flaširanje stonih pijaćih voda u Srbiji i Jugoslaviji. Voda i sanitarna tehnika, br. 3, str. 33 38, Beograd
  48. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1992: Karst aquifers of the Carpatho Balkanides (Yugoslavia) Their utilization and potentials. Abstract of the 29 International Geological Congress, vol. 3, No. II 20 6, P 3; 5258, str. 910, Kyoto
  49. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1992: Opšti uslovi i stanje zaštite karstnih izdanskih voda u istočnoj Srbiji. Zbornik radova I Simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, ASAK, str. 75 80. Resume, Beograd
  50. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1992: Režim izdašnosti karstnih vrela na području Karpato Balkanida istočne Srbije. Geološki anali Balk. pol., 56, 1, str. 411 436. Full.engl.transl. Beograd
  51. DRAGIŠIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., 1992 : The occurences of deep siphonal circulation of karst aquifer of Miroc Mountain (NE Serbia). Ref. of Symp.of Theoretical and Applied Karstology, 1992 Baile Herculane, Publ. in: Theoretical and Applied Karstology (1992), vol. 5. pp. 115-120, Acad. Romana, Bucharest
  52. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., FILIPOVIĆ, B., 1992: Artificial regulation of karst aquifer for water supply for the town Bor. Ref. of Symp. of Theoretical and Applied Karstology, 1992 Baile Herculane. Publ. In: Theoretical and Applied Karstology, vol. 5. pp. 121-126, Acad. Romana, Bucharest
  53. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., 1992: Directions of circulation of karst ground waters in the Carpatho - Balkanides, Serbia. In: "Tracer Hydrology", eds. H.Hotzl & A.Werner, Balkema A.A., pp. 291 - 295, Brookfield, Roterdam
  54. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1993: Značaj i perspektive regionalnog vodosnabdevanja karstnim izdanskim vodama Karpato-Balkanida. Zbornik radova 14 Jug. Savetov. "Vodovod i kanalizacija '93", pp.25-28, Kotor
  55. BOŽOVIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ, Z., MATIĆ I. 1993: Hidroekološka i hidrogeološka ispitivanja izvorišta kao osnova za flaširanje stonih pijaćih voda, Zbornik radova VII Seminara agronoma Jug. pp 105-108, Donji Milanovac
  56. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., HAJDIN, B., 1993: Generalni aspekti zaštite mineralnih voda Smederevske Palanke, Zbornik rad. konf. "Zaštita voda '93", pp.16-21, Arandjelovac
  57. FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ Z,. PROHASKA S., LAZIĆ M., VUJASINOVIĆ S. DRAGIŠIĆ V., 1993: O potrebi dopuna i izmena zakonske regulative u oblasti korišćenja i zaštite podzemnih voda. Zbornik radova 14 Jug. Savetov. "Vodovod i kanalizacija '93" pp.157-159, Kotor
  58. FILIPOVIĆ B., LAZIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., KRUNIĆ O., 1993: Mogućnosti iskorišćavanja i flaširanja voda izvora na Goču. Zbornik radova 14 Jug. Savetov. "Vodovod i kanalizacija '93". pp. 89-92, Kotor
  59. PUŠIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1993: Koncepcija i neki rezultati hidrodinamičkog modela karstne izdani RVS "Bogovina", Zbornik radova 14 Jug. Savetov. "Vodovod i kanalizacija '93" pp. 45-48, Kotor
  60. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DOKMANOVIĆ P., 1993: Rezultati ispitivanja vodopropusnosti stena u karstu jugoistočnog Kučaja.Vesnik Geozavoda, ser A,B geol., knj.45 HG i IG, , pp.227-238, (full.engl.transl.), Beograd
  61. PROHASKA S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1993: The development of autocross-regression model for karst springflow simulation. Theoretical and Applied Karstology, vol 6. Academia Romana, pp. 151-155, Bucharest
  62. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: The possibilities for regulation of the sources of the karst ground waters in the Carpatho-Balkanides, Serbia. Zbornik radova Odbora za kras i speleologiju V Pos.izd. SANU knj.DCXXII, Odelj.prir.mat.nauka, knj. 69, pp. 53-65, Beograd
  63. VUJASINOVIĆ S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., GORDANIĆ V., MATIĆ I., 1994: An example of groundwater contamination by radionuclides. Proceedings of 1st. Mediterranean Congress on Radiation Protection, Abstract, pp.36, Athens
  64. FILIPOVIĆ B., VUJASINOVIĆ S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Some general aspects of ground water protection in Yugoslavia. Proceedings of Intern. Symp. "Impact of Industrial Activities on Ground Water Quality", pp.196-204, IAH, AHR University press, Constanza
  65. DRAGIŠIĆ V., FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ Z., VUJASINOVIĆ S., MILADINOVIĆ B., 1994: Influence of mine waters on ground water quality on example of copper deposits in eastern Serbia. Proceedings of Intern. Symp. "Impact of Industrial Activities on Ground Water Quality", pp.139-148, IAH, AHR University press, Constanza
  66. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Mogućnosti preventivne zaštite vodnih resursa najperspektivnijih karstnih ležišta za regionalno vodosnabdevanje, Zbor.rad. konf. "Zaštita voda '94", pp. 29-33, Igalo
  67. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Kvalitet karstnih izdanskih voda Srbije i perspektive u vodosnabdevanju, Proceedings of International symposium " Water Quality", pp.33-40, Summary, Čačak
  68. STEVANOVIĆ Z., BOŽOVIĆ, M., 1994: Generalni aspekti istraživačkog procesa i kriterijumi izbora izvorišta za flaširanje stonih pijaćih voda. Proceedings of International symposium "Water Quality", pp. 225-230, Summary, Čačak
  69. DRAGIŠIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Jedan primer karstnog izvorišta pogodnog za flaširanje prirodnih voda. Proceedings of International symposium "Water Quality", pp.57-62, Summary, Čačak
  70. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Problemi i perspektive hidrogeološke struke u aktuelnim uslovima, Plenarni referat. Zbor. rad. X Jugosl. Simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol. Knj.1 HG, pp.1-11, Kikinda
  71. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., FILIPOVIĆ B.,1994: Koncepcija i osnovni rezultati istraživanja podzemnih voda u sklopu regionalnog vodoprivrednog sistema "Bogovina" , Zbor. rad. X Jugosl. Simp. o hidrogeol. i inž.geol., Knj.1 HG, pp. 233-240, Kikinda
  72. PROHASKA S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., RISTIĆ V., MARČETIĆ I., 1994: Analiza osnovnih komponenti bilansa raspoloživih voda u višegodišnjem periodu u široj zoni sliva karstnog vrela Mrljiš, Zbor. rad. X Jugosl. Simp. o hidrogeol. i inž. geol., Knj.1 HG, pp.161-168, Kikinda
  73. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., 1994: Hydrogeology of carbonate rocks of Carpatho- Balkanides. In: "Ground Waters in Carbonate Rocks of the Carpathian - Balkan Mountain Range" (eds. Z.Stevanović & B.Filipović), Spec.ed. of CBGA, pp.35 - 112, Allston Hold. Co, Jersey
  74. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Karst ground waters of Carpatho-Balkanides in eastern Serbia. In: " Ground Waters in Carbonate Rocks of the Carpathian - Balkan Mountain Range " (eds. Z. Stevanović & B. Filipović), Spec.ed. of CBGA, pp. 203-237, Allston Hold. Co, Jersey
  75. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Metodologija definisanja zona i mera sanitarne zaštite izvorišta u karstu. In: "Zaštita voda i upravljanje vodnim resursima" (ed. S.Prohaska), Pos. izd. Inst.”J.Černi”. pp. 163-188, Beograd
  76. DRAGIŠIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Hydrogeochemical characteristics of ground water of andesite massif and border in Eastern Serbia. Zbornik radova RGF, sv. 32/33 za 1993/94, pp.71-77, Beograd
  77. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., HAJDIN B., MILADINOVIĆ B., 1994: Essai de pompage de la source siphonnante en vue de la base de definir les decisions de regulation de l'aquifere karstique, Zbornik radova RGF, sv. 32/33 za 1993/94, pp. 79-87, Beograd
  78. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., DRAGIŠIĆ V., MANDIĆ M., 1994: Hydrogeology of the Bogovina cave system - the biggest in Serbian Carpathians. Theoretical and Applied Karstology, vol.7, pp.103-108, Academia Romana, Bucharest
  79. DRAGIŠIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1994: Karakteristike pojava termalnih voda pukotinske izdani istočne Srbije, Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva, 53, str.241-254, Full.engl.transl. Beograd
  80. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1995 : Vodni mineralni resursi litosfere Srbije. In: Monografija "Vodni mineralni resursi litosfere Srbije" (ed.Z.Stevanović). Pos. izd. IHG RGF , str.3-30, Beograd
  81. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1995 : Karstne izdanske vode Srbije – korišćenje i potencijalnost za regionalno vodosnabdevanje. In: "Vodni mineralni resursi litosfere Srbije", (ed.Z.Stevanović). Pos. izd. IHG RGF, str. 77-120. Beograd
  82. PROHASKA S., RISTIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., MARČETIĆ Z., 1995: Prilog metodologije bilansiranja karstnih izdani, Monografija, In: "Vodni mineralni resursi litosfere Srbije", (ed.Z.Stevanović). Pos. izd. IHG RGF, str. 263-276, Beograd
  83. PUŠIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1995: Hidrodinamički model karstne izdani "Bogovina", Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva, 54, str. 303-321, Full. engl.transl. Beograd
  84. STEVANOVIĆ Z., NIKIĆ, Z., 1995: Hidrogeološki kriterijumi za ocenu pogodnosti sliva za izgradnju površinskih akumulacija za vodosnabevanje. Zbornik radova konferencije "Zaštita voda '95", str. 432-437, Tara
  85. STEVANOVIĆ Z., BOŽOVIĆ M. PAPIĆ, P., 1995: Biološki i hemijski indikatori ekscesnog zagadjenja mineralnih voda Kiseljaka u Smederevskoj Palanci, Zbor. rad. konf. "Zaštita voda '95", str. 283-287, Tara
  86. FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ Z., HAJDIN B., DOKMANOVIĆ P., JEMCOV I., 1995: Mere zaštite mineralnih ugljokiselih voda u sklopu višenamenskog korišćenja prostora u Smederevskoj Palanci, Zbor. rad. konf. "Zaštita voda '95", str. 273-277, Tara
  87. FILIPOVIĆ B., STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., 1995: Occurences of thermomineral waters in Carpatho-balkanides of Serbia. Proceedings of XV congress of the Carpatho-Balkan Geol.Assoc. B. 4/3, pp. 880-884, Athens
  88. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1995: Identification of subsurface outflow of karst aquifer- basement for regulation of regime. Proceedings of XV Congress of the Carpatho-Balkan geol. Assoc, B. 4/3, pp. 927-930, Athens
  89. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1995: O potrebi preventivne zaštite vodnog potencijala karstne izdani Karpato-Balkanida, Zbornik radova II Jug. Simpoz. o zaštiti karsta, Pos.izd. ASAK, pp.127-134, Beograd
  90. STEVANOVIĆ Z., HAJDIN, B., 1995: Geološke i hidrogeološke podloge za sagledavanje kvaliteta i uslova zaštite voda pri formiranju akumulacija u karstu, Zbornik radova II Jug. Simpoz. o zaštiti karsta, Pos. izd. ASAK pp. 59-68, Beograd
  91. PROHASKA, S. STEVANOVIĆ, Z. RISTIĆ, V. SRNA, P. 1995: Jedan primer bilansiranja vodnih resursa u slivu karstnih vrela kao podloga za zaštitu od zagadjivanja, Zbornik radova II Jug. Simpoz. o zaštiti karsta, Ps.izd. ASAK, pp. 101-110, Beograd
  92. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ, V. , 1995: Some cases of accidental karst water pollution in the Serbian Carpathians, Theoretical and applied Karstology, vol.8. Academia Romana, pp. 137-144, Bucharest
  93. STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV, I., VIDOVIĆ, M. , 1996: Preventive protection of karst water resources in Serbia of particular importance for water supply, Proceedings of 1st. Intern. conf. "The impact of industry on groundwater resources", pp. 507-514, Villa Erba-Cernobbio
  94. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ, V., 1996: Interactions between karstic ground waters and ore deposits in Eastern Serbia, Intern. conf. on karst - fractured aquifers - vulnerability and sustainability, pp. 56-64, Katowice - Ustron
  95. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1996: Vodni mineralni resursi litosfere Srbije, Pregledni rad, in: Rezultati naučnih israživanja Astro i geonauka 1991-1995, Ministarstvo za nuku i tehnologiju Rep. Srbije, pp. 75-82, Beograd
  96. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ, B., DOKMANOVIĆ, B., JOVOVIĆ, B., KECOJEVIĆ, V. CICMIL, S. , 1996: Zakonska regulativa u oblasti hidrogeologije u SR Jugoslaviji, Plenarni referat, Zbor. rad. XI Jugoslov. Simp. o HG i IG, Knj. 1, hidrogeologija pp.1-8, Budva
  97. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ, V., DOKMANOVIĆ, P., FILIPOVIĆ, B., PUŠIĆ, M. JEMCOV, I., MILADINOVIĆ, B., 1996: Koncept rešenja vodosnabdevanja podzemnim vodama u sklopu regionalnog vovosistema "Bogovina", Zbor. rad. XI Jugoslov. Simp. o HG i IG, Knj. 1, hidrogeologija, pp.125-136, Budva
  98. STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV, I., 1996: Digitalna hidrogeološka karta Jugoslavije, Zbor. rad. XI Jugoslov. Simp. o HG i IG, Knj. 1, hidrogeologija, pp.163-170, Budva
  99. RISTIĆ V., PROHASKA S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1996: Vodni bilans karstnih izdanskih voda, Zbor. rad. XI Jugoslov. Simp. o HG i IG, Knj. 1, hidrogeologija, pp.241-252, Budva
  100. POLOMČIĆ D., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1996: Prilog Problematici klasifikovanja izvorišta izdanskih voda, Zbor. rad. XI Jugoslov. Simp. o HG i IG, Knj. 1, hidrogeologija, pp.629-640, Budva
  101. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1996: Stanje i perspektive korišćenja podzemnih voda za vodosnabdevanje u Srbiji, Zbornik radova RGF, sv.34, Full.engl.transl.pp.245-250, Beograd
  102. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1996: Karst of Northeastern Serbia, Guide, (ed.Z.Stevanović), Spec. ed. RGF- Beograd, "Emil Racovita" Speleological institute & "Prospectiuni", pp.1-37, Bucharest
  103. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1996: Podzemne vode u karstu Srbije, Monografija "Voda za žedne gradove", pp.134-150, Gradjevinski fakulteti u Beogradu i Nišu, Niš
  104. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., DOKMANOVIĆ P., MANDIĆ M. 1997: Hydrogeology of Miroč karst massif, Eastern Serbia. Theoretical and Applied Karstology, vol. 9, pp. 89-97, Academia Romana, Bucharest
  105. RISTIĆ V., PROHASKA S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1996: Some examples of karst springflow regime simulation and prediction for water management balance analyses. Theoretical and Applied Karstology, vol. 9, pp. 141-149, Academia Romana, Bucharest
  106. MARKOVIĆ M., PAVLOVIĆ R., JEMCOV I., DRAGIŠIĆ V., ČUPKOVIĆ T., 1996: Correlation between regional fault pattern and karst water flow directions based on examples from Eastern Serbia (Yugoslavia). Theoretical and Applied Karstology, vol. 9, pp. 149-155, Academia Romana, Bucharest.
  107. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1996: Problematika zaštite i ekscesna zagadjenja izvorišta ugljokiselih voda u Smederevskoj Palanci. ECOLOGICA, pos.izd. br.3, Beograd
  108. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., 1997 : An example of regulation of karst aquifer. In: Karst Waters and Environmental Impacts, Eds. G.Gunay & I.Johnson, pp. 19-26, Balkema Roterdam
  109. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., PAPIĆ P., JEMCOV I., 1997 : Hydrochemical characteristics of karst ground waters in Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides. In: Karst Waters and Environmental Impacts, Eds. G.Gunay & I.Johnson, pp. 199-204, Balkema, Roterdam
  110. STEVANOVIĆ Z., HAJDIN B., DOKMANOVIĆ P., JEMCOV I., 1997: Bacterial pollution of the mineral water source: A case example and proposed remedy. Proceedings of IAEG Symposium: Engineering Geology and the Environment, B. 2, pp. 2193-2197, Athens
  111. STEVANOVIĆ Z., HAJDIN B., DOKMANOVIĆ P, JEMCOV I., 1997: Urban impacts on a mineral water source, Serbia. Proceedings of IAH Congress: Ground Water in the Urban Environment, pp. 543-547, Nottingham
  112. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1997: Rezerve i potencijal karstnih izdanskih voda Srbije. Zbornik radova odbora za kras i speleologiju, Pos.izd. SANU, knj.VI, pp. 55-73, Beograd
  113. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1997: Characteristics of karst areas in Djerdap zone, Proceedings of the Intern.Symp. Geology of Djerdap, Spec.ed. of "Geoinstitute" 25, pp. 181-191, Donji Milanovac, Orşova
  114. FILIPOVIĆ B., KOMATINA M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., SORO A., 1997: Podzemne vode kao izvorišta - sadašnje stanje i perspektive razvoja. Plenarni referat konferencije "Podzemne vode kao izvorišta", Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, pp. 7-31, Beograd
  115. FILIPOVIĆ B., LAZIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., VUJASINOVIĆ S., 1997: Mesto i uloga hidrogeologije odnosno podzemnih voda u vodoprivredi Srbije. Zbor. rad. Konferencije "Podzemne vode kao izvorišta", Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, pp. 145-151, Beograd
  116. FILIPOVIĆ B., LAZIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., BOŽOVIĆ M., 1997: Flaširanje podzemnih voda i aktuelna problematika u istraživanju za te potrebe. Zbor. rad. Konferencije "Podzemne vode kao izvorišta", Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, pp. 271-279, Beograd
  117. STEVANOVIĆ Z., RADULOVIĆ M., 1997: Regulacija karstne izdani kao osnov za racionalno korišćenje vodnog potencijala - primeri iz Srbije i Crne Gore. Zbor. rad. Konferencije "Podzemne vode kao izvorišta", Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, pp. 445-465. Beograd
  118. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., DOKMANOVIĆ B., 1997: Predlozi za kvalitetnije regulisanje i primenu propisa u oblasti istraživanja i korišćenja podzemnih voda u Jugoslaviji. Zbor. rad. Konferencije "Podzemne vode kao izvorišta", Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, pp. 587-595. Beograd
  119. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1997: Prva Cvijićeva proučavanja karsta istočne Srbije - Osnova savremene karstne hidrogeologije, Monografija "100 godina hidrogeologije u Jugoslaviji", ed. Z.Stevanović, pp. 99-111, Pos.izd. RGF-IHG, Beograd
  120. STEVANOVIĆ Z.,1997: Karstne izdanske vode istočne Srbije - korišćenje i potencijalnost. Monografija "100 godina hidrogeologije u Jugoslaviji", ed. Z.Stevanović, pp. 207-226. Pos.izd. RGF-IHG, Beograd
  121. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., KOMATINA M., 1997: Sadašnje stanje i perspektive vodosnabdevanja u Jugoslaviji korišćenjem podzemnih voda. Monografija "100 godina hidrogeologije u Jugoslaviji", ed. Z.Stevanović, pp. 313-325. Pos.izd. RGF-IHG, Beograd
  122. STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV I. 1997: Uticaj i primena savremenih tehnologija na metode hidrogeoloških istraživanja, Zbornik radova simp. “100 godina hidrogeologije u Jugoslaviji”, str. 25-32, Pos.izd. RGF-IHG, Beograd
  123. FILIPOVIĆ B., SIMIĆ M., LAZIĆ M., STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., PAVLIČEVIĆ M., 1997: Mesto i uloga hidrogeologije u vodoprivredi Srbije. Zbor. rad. savet. “Geološka struka, srdne struke, komplementarnosti i nesporazumi, str.9-12., Beograd
  124. DOKMANOVIĆ P., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1997: Prilog poznavanju hidrogeoloških karakteristika Jadarskog neogenog basena, RADOVI “Geoinstituta” . str.227-231. Beograd
  125. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DOKMANOVIĆ P., JEMCOV I., 1997: Jedan primer regulacije karstnih izdanskih voda. Zbornik radova RGF. sv. 35-36. str. 71-76. Beograd
  126. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1997: Razvoj i intenzitet karstifikacije u Karpato-Balkanidima na primeru jugoistočnog Kučaja, Zbornik radova III simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, pos. izd. ASAK, str.43-54, Beograd
  127. VUJASINOVIĆ S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., MATIĆ I., LOŽAJIĆ A., 1997: Uslovi zaštite Šetonjskog vrela kod Petrovca na Mlavi, Zbornik radova III simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, pos. izd. ASAK, str.73-84, Beograd
  128. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., DOKMANOVIĆ P., JEMCOV I.,MILADINOVIĆ B., 1997; Novi prilozi za poznavanje uslova i brzine cirkulacije karstnih izdanskih voda u istočnoj Srbiji, Zbornik radova III simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, pos. izd. ASAK, str.85-98, Beograd
  129. NOVAKOVIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., VALJAREVIĆ R., LAZIĆ M., 1998; Podzemne vode kao resurs za vodosnabdijevanje Republike Srpske, Zbornik radova II Savetovanja “Stanje i pravci razvoja rud., geol. i energ. u RS na prelazu u XXI vek”, str.101-108, Srebrenica
  130. KARANJAC J., STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., NOVAKOVIĆ V., JEMCOV I., 1998; Informacioni sistemi i baze podataka kao osnova za istraživanje i upravljanje podzemnim vodnim resusrima, Zbornik radova II Savetovanja “Stanje i pravci razvoja rud., geol. i energ. u RS na prelazu u XXI vek”, str.159-166, Srebrenica
  131. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DOKMANOVIĆ P., JEMCOV I., 1997; Several highly productive wells in karst areas of Eastern Serbia, Theoretical & Applied karstology, vol.10, pp.79-88, Academia Romana, Bucharest
  132. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ, V., 1998: An example of identifying karst groundwater flow. Environmental Geology 35 (4), 241-244, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
  133. STEVANOVIĆ Z., FILIPOVIĆ B., RADULOVIĆ M., MIRKOVIĆ LJ., 1998: Koncept inoviranja Uputstva za izradu OHGK Jugoslavije, Zbornik radova XIII Geološkog kongresa Jugoslavije, Herceg Novi
  134. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., ŠPADIJER S., 1998: Primena metoda geofizičkog karotaža pri hidrogeološkim istraživanjima u karstu istočnog Kučaja, Zbornik radova XIII Geološkog kongresa Jugoslavije, Herceg Novi
  135. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DOKMANOVIĆ P., 1998: O potencijalnosti podzemnih voda tercijarnih naslaga u Podrinjskom basenu, Zbornik radova XIII Geološkog kongresa Jugoslavije, Herceg Novi
  136. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1998: Karstna izdan –optimalni resurs za dugoročno vodosnabdevanje Paraćina i Ćuprije, Zbornik radova savetovanja “Vodni resursli sliva Morave”, pos. izd. Zadužbina Andrejević, pp.240-244, Kruševac
  137. STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV I., DOKMANOVIC P., NIKOLIC J., 1998: An example of bacteriological contamination of captured karst spring, Proceed. of IAH/ AIH confer. “Gambling with groundwater", pp.173-178, Las Vegas
  138. VUJASINOVIĆ S., MATIĆ I., LOŽAJIĆ A.,STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1998: An example of groundwater contamination by phenols caused by polluted river water, Yugoslavia, Proceed. of IAH/ AIH confer. “Gambling with groundwater", pp.275-278., Las Vegas
  139. DOKMANOVIĆ P., STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV I., 1998: A contribution of hydrogeology of Bujanovac Spa, Proceedings (Abstracts) of XVI Congress CBGA, Vienna
  140. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1998: Principles of karst aquifer regulation and some Carpathian karst case examples, Proceedings (Abstracts) of XVI Congress CBGA, Vienna
  141. DRAGIŠIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., MILADINOVIĆ B. . 1998: An example of local water supply problem solution – Mokranje near Negotin. Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva za 1992-1997, 245 - 251, Beograd
  142. STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV I., SMILJANIĆ D., 1998: RiverPro – softwere package for hydrometric measurements. Zapisnici SGD za 1992-1997. pp 429-434. Beograd
  143. JEMCOV I., RISTIĆ V., PROHASKA S., STEVANOVIĆ Z. . 1998: The use of autocross-regression model for analyse and simulation of karst springflow. Zbornik radova RGF-a sv. 37. pp. 55-64 Beograd
  144. JEMCOV I., RISTIĆ V., STEVANOVIĆ Z., PROHASKA S., 1998: Aplication of autocross-regression model on analysis and discharge simulation of some karst springs. Theoretical and Applied Karstology. Vol. 11-12/1998-1999. pp. 125-132. Academia Romana, Bucharest
  145. DOKMANOVIĆ P., STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV I. , 1998: Hidrogeološka svojstva izvorišta termomineralnih voda “Vrelo” u Bujanovačkoj kotlini. Časopis za rudarske i geološke nauke, sv. 37, pp. 129-138. RGF. Beograd
  146. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1998: Balance of karst aquifers in Carpatho-Balkanides (Yugoslavia) – the basement for their utilization, KARST 98 - Proceedings of II international symposium on water resources in karst, pp. 79-90, Tehran
  147. STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV I., DOKMANOVIĆ P., HAJDIN B., MILANOVIĆ S., 1999: Režim izdašnosti i kvaliteta karstnih izdanskih voda izvorišta Nemanja kod Ćuprije. Zbornik referata XII Jug. simp. HGiIG. pp. 377-386. Novi Sad
  148. STEVANOVIĆ Z.,, JEMCOV I., DOKMANOVIĆ P. 1999: Conditions and possibilities of the regulation of the karst spring “Nemanja” near Ćuprija. Radovi Geoinstituta / Bulletin of Geoinstitute. Vol. 36. pp. 175-191. Beograd
  149. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 1999: Regulacija karstne izdani – jedan od osnova duguročnog vodosnabdevanja u Jugoslaviji. Zbornik radova Konferencije “Voda za XXI vek” Udruženje za tehnologiju vode. pp. 245-254, Beograd.
  150. STEVANOVIĆ Z., RADULOVIĆ M., 1999: Some cases examples of karst aquifer regulation in Serbia and Montenegro. Proceedings of XXIX Congress of IAH. Bratislava. CD
  151. JEMCOV I., PAVLOVIĆ R., ČUPKOVIĆ T., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 2000: Application of Remote Sensing and Quantitative Geomorphologic Analysis in Hydrogeological Research. Proceedings of the joint meeting of Friends of Karst, Theoretical Applied Karstology, Vol 14. and IGCP 448. pp.66-67, Bucharest
  152. JEMCOV I., STEVANOVIĆ Z., PROHASKA S., 2000: A new mathematical simulation model for the prediction of exploitation of regulated karstic sources. Proceedings of International Symposium and Field Seminar on : “Present State and Future Trends of Karst Studies”. p. 91 Marmaris
  153. JEMCOV I., ČUPKOVIĆ T., PAVLOVIĆ R., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 2000: An example of influence of fault pattern on karstification development. Proceedings of International Symposium and Field Seminar on “Present State and Future Trends of Karst Studies”. p. 95 Marmaris
  154. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 2001: Subsurface Dams – Efficient Groundwater Regulation Scheme, Brayatti Press, 18, pp.122-130, Erbil
  155. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 2001: Groundwater Resources Assessment – Base for Optimal Technical Solution and Sustainable Development of Northern Iraq, Brayatti Press, 18, pp. 145-150, Erbil
  156. JEMCOV I., HAJDIN B., DOKMANOVIĆ P., STEVANOVIĆ Z., MILANOVIĆ S., 2002: Izrada Osnovne Hidrogeološke karte u GIS okruženju - na primeru lista Boljevac 1 : 100 000, XIII Jugoslovenski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji i inženjerskoj geologiji, pp. 137-146, Herceg Novi
  157. JEMCOV I., DOKMANOVIĆ P., STEVANOVIĆ Z., MILANOVIĆ S. , 2002: An example of groundwater resoursec management under complex hydrogeological conditions in Serbia, Proceedings of XXXII IAH & VI ALHSUD Congress: Groundwater and Human Development, pp. 21-25, Mar del Plata
  158. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V., 2002: Rekonstrukcija paleohidrogeoloških uslova formiranja Bogovinske pećine, Zbornik Odbora za kras i speleologiju VII, Pos.izd. SANU knj. DCL, p.49-59 Beograd
  159. JEMCOV, I., PAVLOVIĆ R., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 2002: Morphotectonic analysis in hydrogeological research of karst terrains. A case study of SW Kucaj massif, Eastern Serbia. Theoretical and applied karstology, 15, Romanian Academy of science, pp. 51-59, Bucharest
  160. STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV I., DOKMANOVIĆ P., MILANOVIĆ S., HAJDIN B. , 2003: Problemi zaštite kvaliteta podzemnih voda karstnog izvorišta Nemanja kod Ćuprije, Zbornik radova 4. Simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, str. 55-58, Despotovac
  161. JEMCOV I., STEVANOVIĆ Z., 2003: Primena matematičkog modela za analizu bilansa karstnih izdanskih voda na primeru karstnih izvorišta Sveta Petka i Nemanja, Zbornik radova 4. Simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, str. 79-85, Despotovac
  162. STEVANOVIĆ Z., IURKIEWICZ A., 2004: Karst of Iraqi Kurdistan – Distribution, development and aquifers, Zbornik radova Odbora za kras i speleologiju, knj. VIII, Posebna izdanja SANU, knj. DCLVI, Odelj. Za matematiku, fiziku i geo-nauke, knj.2, str. 31-53. Beograd
  163. VUJASINOVIĆ S., STEVANOVIĆ Z., MATIĆ I., 2004: Polazne osnove koncepcije novog pravilnika o odredjivanju zona i mera sanitarne zaštite izvorišta podzemnih voda, Voda i sanitarna tehnika, XXXIV (4), Časopis Udruženja za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, str. 45-52, Beograd
  164. STEVANOVIĆ Z., MARKOVIĆ M., JEMCOV I., PAVLOVIĆ R. , 2004: Tectonic pattern and groundwater drainage – Correlation analysis at regional scale, Proceeding of 1st Mediterranean conference on earth obesrvation (remote sensing) MECEO, pp. 372-378, Belgrade
  165. MARAN A., CHERWANI G., LAWA. F., STEVANOVIC Z., TAHIR A. , 2004: Towards recognition of Iraqi Kurdstan geo heritage, Part 1 , Sci session 137-9, Books of Abstracts CD XXXII International geological congress, p. 605, Firenza
  166. STEVANOVIĆ Z., IURKIEWICZ A, MARAN A., LAWA F.,2004: Pećine Iračkog Kurdistana – rezultati prospekcije i potreba zaštite, Zbornik apstrakata 5. Simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, str. 49, Guča
  167. STEVANOVIĆ Z., IURKIEWICZ A, 2004: Geologic – tectonic factors controlling groundwater flow patterns and discharge of karst aquifers in Western Zagros (Northern Iraq), Proceedings of XXXIII IAH Congress, CD T. 3-08 (4 pages), Zacatecas
  168. JEMCOV I., STEVANOVIC Z., 2004: Management and control of karst aquifer systems - Basic principles of karst water resources assessment, Proceedings of XXXIII IAH Congress, CD T. 8 (4 pages), Zacatecas
  169. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 2005: Management of regional hydrogeological projects and investigations - Northern Iraq case example, Zapisnici SGD za 1998-2003, Izd. Srp.geol.druš., p.113-121. Beograd
  170. MARAN A., JEMCOV I., MILANOVIC S., STEVANOVIC Z., 2005.: Dam constuction or geoheritage conservation? An example from Eastern Serbia. Proceedings of “10 Years of Geological Heritage in SE Europe” – ProGeo WG-1 subregional meeting and field trip, p.18-19, Tirana
  171. STEVANOVIĆ Z., JEMCOV I., MILANOVIC S., DOKMANOVIC P, HAJDIN B, 2005: Management of karst aquifers in Serbia for water supply – achievements and perspectives, In: Water resources and environmental problems in karst, Proceedings of IAH International conference KARST 2005 (Eds. Z.Stevanovic & P. Milanovic), p. 283-290, Belgrade
  172. STEVANOVIĆ Z., ALI S., IURKIEWICZ A, LOWA F, ANDJELIC M, MOTASAM E. 2005: Tapping and managing a highly productive semi-confined karstic aquifer – Swarawa near Sulaimaniyah (Iraq), In : Water resources and environmental problems in karst, Proceedings of IAH International conference KARST 2005 (Eds. Z.Stevanovic & P. Milanovic), p. 327-334, Belgrade
  173. STEVANOVIĆ Z., 2005: General geology and hydrogeology of Carpatho-Balkanic karst, in: Water resources and environmental problems in karst, Excursion Guide of IAH International conference KARST 2005 (Eds. P. Milanovic, Z.Stevanovic & M.Radulovic), p. 1-6, Belgrade-Kotor
  174. STEVANOVIĆ Z., DRAGIŠIĆ V, JEMCOV I., 2005: Karst groundwater quality and environmental problems, in: Water resources and environmental problems in karst, Excursion Guide of IAH International conference KARST 2005 (Eds. P. Milanovic, Z.Stevanovic & M.Radulovic), p. 6-9, Belgrade
  175. RADULOVIĆ M, RADULOVIĆ V, STEVANOVIĆ Z, KOMATINA M, DUBLJEVIĆ V, 2005: General geology and hydrogeology of Dinaric karst, in Montenegro and Serbia, in : Water resources and environmental problems in karst, Excursion Guide of IAH International conference KARST 2005 (Eds. P. Milanovic, Z.Stevanovic & M.Radulovic), p. 16-20, Belgrade-Kotor
  176. HAJDIN B, STEVANOVIĆ Z, DOKMANOVIĆ P, MILANOVIĆ S., JEMCOV I., 2005: Baza podataka hidrogeoloskih karata, Zbornik radova 14 Geol. Kongresa SCG, CD, p.189-190, Novi Sad
  177. Period 2006 – 2015.

  178. Stevanović, Z. and Vučetić, Lj. (2006): Groundwater in legislation of European Union (in Serbian). Proceedings of the International Conference “Water-potential and valorisation”, Budva, 45-50.
  179. Stevanović, Z. and Maran, A. (2006): Measuring and monitoring the impacts of large dam on karst environment. In: Archives of Climate Change in Karst, Eds. Onac, B., Tamas, T., Constantin, S. and Persolu, A., Special Publication, Baile Herculane, 10: 234-238.
  180. Stevanović, Z. (2006): State of art and perspectives of artificial recharge in groundwater supply of large cities of Carpathian-Balkan region. Proceedings of XVIII Congress of CBGA, Belgrade, 602-605.
  181. Stevanović, Z. (2006): Karst aquifer control and environmental limitations - How to determine an optimal approach? Books of abstracts, 2nd Geological Congress of Slovenia, Idrija, 120-121.
  182. Stevanović, Z., Hajdin, B., Dokmanović, P., Jemcov, I. and Milanović, S. (2006): Some experiences in creation of hydrogeological maps in Serbia / Neka iskustva na izradi hidrogeološke karte u Srbiji. Book of Abstracts of the II Conference of geologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Teslić, 95.
  183. Toholj, N., Glavaš, S., Jolović, B. and Stevanović Z. (2006): Program for completion of Basic hydrogeological map on the territory of Bosnia & Herzegovina (in Serbian), Book of Abstracts of the II Conference of geologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Teslić, 97-99.
  184. Lazić, M., Stevanović, Z. and Sekulović, B. (2006): Assessment and protection of groundwater resources for bottling purposes / Ocena i zaštita resursa podzemnih voda za flaširanje. Proceedings of the Conference „Quality of bottled waters – resources, ecology, control“, (plenary paper), Beglrade, 1-11.
  185. Stevanović, Z., Jemcov, I. and Milanović, S. (2007): Management of karst aquifers in Serbia for water supply, Environmental Geology, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 51 (5): 743-748.
  186. Dimkić, M., Stevanović, Z. and Djurić, D. (2007): Utilization, protection and status of groundwater in Serbia, Proceedings of the IWA Conference „Groundwater management in Danube river basin and other large basins“ (keynote paper), Belgrade, 83-102.
  187. Hajdin, B., Dokmanović, P., Stevanović, Z and Hajdin, K. (2007): State-of-art of the Vić Bare source for Obrenovac water supply, Proceedings of IWA Conference „Groundwater management in Danube river basin and other large basins“, Belgrade, 217-224.
  188. Stevanović, Z., Hajdin, B., Vujasinović, S., Djurić, D. and Tripković, M. (2007): On demands of hydrogeological survey for the assessment of groundwater budget and reserves in Serbia / O potrebi hidrogeoloških istraživanja radi ocene bilansa i rezervi podzemnih voda u Srbiji. Proceedings of the 36. Conference of utilization and protection of water „Voda 2007“, Tara, Serb. Soc. for water protection, 169-174.
  189. Stevanović, Z. (2008): Purpose of the European Union water directives and implications on Serbian hydrogeological practice / Ciljevi EU Direktive o vodama i implikacije na našu hidrogeološku praksu, Comptes rendus des sceances de la Soc. Serb. de geol. (Zapisnici SGD) an. 2007, Belgrade, 3-9.
  190. Radulović, Mićko, Stevanović, Z. and Radulović Milan (2008): Methods of delineation of sanitary protection zones for Bolje sestre source for planned regional water supply of Montenegrian coast / Metodologija odredjivanja zona sanitarne zaštite za izvorište Bolje sestre planirano za regionalno vodosnabdijevanje Crnogorskog primorja. Proceedings of the II International conference „Civil engineering – Science and practice“, Žabljak, 1081-1086.
  191. Stevanović, Z., Kozák, P., Lazić, M., Szanyi, J., Polomčić, D., Kovács, B., Török, J., Milanović, S., Hajdin, B., and Vass, I. (2008): Towards sustainable management of transboundary Hungarian-Serbian aquifer, Proceedings of IV Transboundary water management conference, Thessaloniki, CD, 1 (2), 4 pp.
  192. Ali, S.S., Stevanović, Z. and Jabbari, M. (2008): Discharge analysis and potential of Reshen karstic spring (Sharazoor Plain-Iraqi Kurdistan Region). Book of Abstracts of the 33th International Geological Congress, Ses. HYH 09 „International perspectives on karst aquifers and water resources“, Oslo, CD.
  193. Stevanović, Z. (2008): Sustainable transboundary groundwater management: SE Europe and the Balkans. European Geologist, 25: 17-18.
  194. Stevanović, Z. and Papić, P. (2008): The origin of groundwater. In: Groundwater management in large river basins, Eds. Dimkić, M., Brauch, H. J. and Kavanaugh, M., IWA Publication, London, 218-246.
  195. Vollhofer, O., Dimkić, M., Stevanović, Z. and Djurić, D. (2008): Groundwater management in selected countries, In: Groundwater management in large river basins, Eds. Dimkić, M., Brauch, H. J. and Kavanaugh, M., IWA Publication, London, 87-108.
  196. Stevanović, Z., Radulović, Mićko, Puri, Sh. and Radulović, Milan (2008): Karstic source „Bolje sestre“ - optimal solution for regional water supply of Montenegro coastal area / Karstno izvorište „Bolje sestre“- optimalno rešenje regionalnog vodosnabdevanja Crnogorskog primorja. Zbornik Odbora za kras i speleologiju SANU (Recueil de Rapports du Comité pour le Karst et la Spéléologie de Acad. Serb. de Sci. et Art), Belgrade, IX, 33-64.
  197. Stevanović, Z. and Iurkiewicz, A. (2009): Groundwater management in northern Iraq. Hydrogeology Journal, Springer, 17 (2): 367-378.
  198. Stevanović, Z., Iurkiewicz, A. and Maran, A. (2009): New insights into karst and caves of northwestern Zagros (Northern Iraq), Acta Carsologica, 38 (1): 83-96.
  199. Saljnikov, A., Vučićević, B., Komatina, M., Gojak, M., Goričanec, D. and Stevanović, Z. (2009): Spectroscopic research on infrared emittance of coal ash deposits. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier, 33 (8): 1133-1141.
  200. Dokmanović, P. and Stevanović, Z. (2009): Importance of groundwater resources for spatial planning in Serbia / O značaju resursa podzemnih voda za prostorno planiranje u Srbiji. Proceedings of the Conference of utilization and protection of water “Voda 2009“, Serb. Soc. for water protection, Tara, 35-40.
  201. Stevanović, Z. (2009): Water sectors, monitoring and control in Balkan countries. XVI Conference “H2Obiettivo 2000” Environmental sustainability and water services in the Mediterranean basin, (invited lecture), May 28-29, Bari, Proceedings, CD.
  202. Stevanović, Z. (2009): Karst groundwater use in the Carpathian-Balkan region. In: Global Groundwater Resources and Management, Ed. Paliwal, B., Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, 429-442.
  203. Stevanović, Z. (2009): Rome memories on Milutin Milanković / Rimske uspomene na Milutina Milankovića. In: Milutin Milanković and his work / Stvaralaštvo Milutina Milankovića, Ed. Ocić, Č., Serb. Acad. of Sci. and Arts. (SANU), Proceedings / Naučni skupovi, Belgrade, CXXIV, 9: 377-385.
  204. Ali, S.S., Stevanović, Z. and Al-Jabbari, M.H. (2009): Auto and cross correlation analysis of Bestansur spring-Sharazoor plain - Iraqi Kurdistan region. Proceedings of 3rd Scientific Conference, College of Science, University of Baghdad, 24-26 March 2009, Baghdad, 1941-1948.
  205. Ali, S.S., Stevanović, Z. and Jemcov, I. (2009): The mechanism and influence on karstic spring flow-Sarchinar spring case example, Sulaimaniya, NE Iraq, Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, Baghdad, 5 (2): 87-100.
  206. Stevanović, Z. (2009): Utilization and regulation of springs. In: Groundwater hydrology of springs: Engineering, theory, management and sustainability. Eds. Kresic, N. and Stevanović, Z., Elsevier Inc. BH, Burlington-Oxford, 339-388.
  207. Stevanović, Z. (2009): Major springs of southeastern Europe and their utilization. In: Groundwater hydrology of springs: Engineering, theory, management and sustainability. Eds. Kresic, N. and Stevanović, Z., Elsevier Inc. BH, Burlington-Oxford, 389-410.
  208. Stevanović, Z. (2009): Intake of the Bolje Sestre karst spring for the regional water supply of the Montenegro. In: Groundwater hydrology of springs: Engineering, theory, management and sustainability. Eds. Kresic, N. and Stevanović, Z., Elsevier Inc. BH, Burlington-Oxford, 457-478.
  209. Raeisi, E. and Stevanović, Z. (2009): Springs of Zagros mountain range (Iran and Iraq). In: Groundwater hydrology of springs: Engineering, theory, management and sustainability. Eds. Kresic, N. and Stevanović, Z., Elsevier Inc. BH, Burlington-Oxford, 498-515.
  210. Milanović, S., Stevanović, Z., Djurić, D., Petrović, T. and Milovanović, M. (2010): Regional approach to creation of groundwater vulnerability maps in Serbia – A new method „Izdan“ / Regionalni pristup izradi karte ugroženosti podzemnih voda Srbije-nova metoda “Izdan”, Proceedings of the 15. Serbian Geological Congress, Belgrade, 585-590.
  211. Stevanović, Z., Milenić, D., Dokmanović, P., Martinović, M., Saljnikov, A., Komatina, M., Antonijević, D., Vranješ, A. and Magazinović, S. (2010): Subgeothermal resources of Serbia and perspectives of their wider apllication in energetics / Subgeotermalni resursi Srbije i perspektive njihove šire aplikacije u energetici, Proceedings of the 15. Serbian Geological Congress, Belgrade, 615-618.
  212. Stevanović, Z. and Dokmanović, P. (2010): Actual status and perspectives of hydrogeological activities in Serbia / Aktuelno stanje i perspektive hidrogeološke delatnosti u Srbiji, Proceedings of the 15. Serbian Geological Congress, Belgrade, 609-614.
  213. Milanović, S., Stevanović, Z. and Jemcov, I. (2010): Water losses risk assessment: an example from Carpathian karst. Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer, 60 (4): 817-827.
  214. Radulović, Milan, Stevanović, Z. and Radulović Mićko (2010): First outcomes from new approach in assessing recharge of highly karstified terrains - cases examples from Montenegro. In: Advances in Research in Karst Media, Eds. Andreo, B., Carrasco, F., Duran, J.J. and LaMoreaux, J.W., Springer, Heidelberg, 25-30.
  215. Ali, S. S. and Stevanović, Z. (2010): Time series analysis of Saraw spring-SE of Sulaimaniya (Iraqi Kurdistan region). In: Advances in Research in Karst Media, Eds. Andreo, B., Carrasco, F., Duran, J.J. and LaMoreaux, J.W., Springer, Heidelberg, 89-94.
  216. Iurkiewicz, A. and Stevanović, Z. (2010): Reconnaissance study of active sulfide springs and cave systems in the southern part of the Sulaimani Governorate (NE Iraq). Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer, 25 (3): 203-216.
  217. Stevanović, Z. and Eftimi, R. (2010): Karstic sources of water supply for large consumers in southeastern Europe-sustainability, disputes and advantages. Geologica Croatica, 63 (2): 179-186.
  218. Stevanović, Z., Milanović, S. and Ristić, V. (2010): Supportive methods for assessing effective porosity and regulating karst aquifers. Acta Carsologica, 39 (2): 313-329
  219. Milanović, S., Stevanović, Z. and Vasić, Lj. (2010): Monitoring of groundwater of Beljanica massif in service of creation of karstic system model / Monitoring podzemnih voda Beljaničkog masiva u funkciji formiranja modela karstnog sistema. Vodoprivreda, 246-248 (2010/4-6): 199-212.
  220. Polomčić, D., Stevanović, Z., Milanović, S., Sorajić, S. and Kljajić, Ž. (2010): Sustainable development of Hungarian – Serbian transboundary water bodies / Održivo korišćenje Madjarsko - Srpskih medjugraničnih vodnih tela, Vodoprivreda, 246-248 (2010/4-6), 223-235.
  221. Stevanović, Z., Kozák, P., Lazić, M., Szanyi, J., Polomčić, D., Kovács, B., Török, J., Milanović, S., Hajdin, B. and Papić, P. (2011): Towards sustainable management of transboundary Hungarian-Serbian aquifer. In: Transboundary Water Resources Management - A Multidisciplinary Approach. Eds. Ganoulis, J., Aureli, A. and Fried, J. (Eds.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 143-149.
  222. Stevanović Z., 2011: Menadžment podzemnih vodnih resursa, Pos. izd. RGF, pp. 1-340 Beograd
  223. Milanović, S., Stevanović, Z., Vasić, Lj. and Ristić, V. (2011): Monitoring and physical modeling of karst system as a base for its evaluation and utilization - A case study from eastern Serbia. Proceedings of 9th Conference on Limestone hydrogeology, Besancon, 351-354.
  224. Stevanović, Z., Ristić, V. and Milanović, S. (2011): Karst aquifer as a "buffer" for climate variations and changes, Proceedings of IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, Belgrade, 369-375.
  225. Dimkić, M., Stevanović Z. and Djurić, D. (2011): Progress and improvement of the status of groundwater in Serbia. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, (keynote paper), Belgrade, 81-101.
  226. Kuschnig, G., Čenčur-Curk, B., Nahchtnebel, H.P., Simonffy, Z., Stevanović, Z. and Vafeiadis, M. (2011): Climate changes and water supply in southeastern Europe-the project CC-WaterS. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, Belgrade, 337-346.
  227. Radulović, Milan, Stevanović, Z. and Radulović, Mićko (2012): A new approach in assessing recharge of highly karstified terrains-Montenegro case studies. Environmental Earth Sciences. Springer-Verlag, 65 (8): 2221-2230.
  228. Stauder, S., Stevanović, Z., Richter, S., Milanović, S., Tucović A. and Petrović, B. (2012): Evaluating bank filtration as an alternative to current water supply from deeper aquifer: the case study from the Pannonian Basin, Serbia. Water Resources Management, Springer-Verlag, 26: 581-594.
  229. Stevanović, Z., Saljnikov, S., Milenić, D., Martinović, M., Goricanec, D., Komatina, M., Dokmanović, P., Antonijević, D., Vranješ, A. and Magazinović, S. (2011): Prospects for wider utilization of subgeothermal water resources: eastern Serbia case study. Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (Annales géologiques de la Peninsule balkanique), Belgrade, 72: 131-141.
  230. Stevanović, Z., Ristić-Vakanjac, V., Milanović, S., Vasić, Lj. and Petrović, B. (2011): Importance of monitoring of karst groundwater in Serbia / Značaj monitoringa podzemnih voda u karstu Srbije. Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on karst protection, Bela Palanka, ASAK, 21-28.
  231. Stevanović, Z. (2012): History of hydrogeology in Serbia. In: Hystory of Hydrogeology. Eds. Howden, N. and Mather, J., International Contribution to Hydrogeology (Edition), CRC Press & Balkema, Boca Raton, London, 257-274.
  232. Ristić Vakanjac, V., Stevanović, Z., Milanović, S. and Vasić, Lj. (2012): An example of application of stochastic model to forecasting karst springs discharge. Abstract, Proceedings of EGU 2012, Vienna (CD).
  233. Polomčić, D., Stevanović, Z., Ristić Vakanjac, V., Dokmanović, P. and Milanović, S. (2012): An example of groundwater modeling to predict impact of climate change and to support optimization of a new intake. Abstract, Proceedings of EGU 2012, Vienna (CD).
  234. Stevanović, Z. and Maran, A. (2012): Characterization and utilization of main aquifer systems of the Mahe Island (Seychelles), Abstract, Proceedings of 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane (CD).
  235. Polomčić, D., Stevanović, Z., Dokmanović, P., Papić, P., Ristić-Vakanjac, V., Hajdin, B., Milanović, S. and Bajić, D. (2011): Water supply in Serbia by utilization of groundwater – state of art and perspectives (in Serbian: Vodosnabdevanje podzemnim vodama u Srbiji-stanje i perspektive). In: Naših 40 godina, Spec. ed. of the Department of Hydrogeology, Fac. Min. & geol. University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 49-77.
  236. Stevanović, Z. (2012): Challenges of eduction of hydrogeologists in 21 Ct. – National and international context / Izazovi edukacije hidrogeologa u 21. veku - domaći i internacionalni kontekst, Proceedings of the 14. Serbian Symposium on hydrogeology with intern. particip. (keynote paper). Zlatibor, 1-14.
  237. Polomčić, D., Stevanović, Z., Dokmanović, P., Ristić-Vakanjac, V., Hajdin, B., Milanović, S. and Bajić, D. (2012): Optimizing water supply by groundwater in Serbia / Optimizacija vodosnabdevanja podzemnim vodama u Srbiji. Proceedings of the 14. Serbian Symposium on hydrogeology with intern. particip., Zlatibor, 15-20.
  238. Hajdin, B., Polomčić, D., Stevanović, Z., Bajić, D. and Hajdin, K. (2012): Perspectives of “Vić bare” source for water supply of Obrenovac / Ocena perspektivnosti izvorišta “Vić bare” za vodosnabdevanje Obrenovca. Proceedings of the 14. Serbian Symposium on hydrogeology with intern. particip., Zlatibor, 217-225.
  239. Stevanović, Z., Kukurić, N., Treidel, H., Pekaš, Z., Jolović, B., Radojević, D. and Pambuku, A. (2012): Characterization of transboundary aquifers in Dinaric karst-A base for sustainable water management at regional and local scale. Proceedings of 39th IAH Congress, Niagara Falls (CD, full paper published).
  240. Pekaš, Z., Jolović, B., Radojević, D., Pambuku, A., Stevanović, Z., Kukurić, N. and Zubac, Z. (2012): Unstable regime of Dinaric karst aquifers as a major concern for their sustainable utilization. Proceedings of 39th IAH Congress, Niagara Falls, Abstract, (CD).
  241. Vujasinović, S., Stevanović, Z., Matić, I., Zarić, J. and Milanović, S. (2012): The status of groundwater protection in Serbia and the implications of new regulations. Proceedings of 39. IAH Congress, Niagara Falls, Abstract, 351, (CD).
  242. Stevanović, Z. (2012): Climate changes and impact on groundwater – Monitoring as key element of adaptive management / Klimatske promene i uticaj na podzemne vode - Monitoring kao ključni element adaptivnog menadžmenta. Geološki glasnik, Zvornik, 33 (1), 191-214.
  243. Polomčić, D., Stevanović, Z., Bajić, D., Hajdin, B., Ristić-Vakanjac, V., Dokmanović, P. and Milanović S. (2012): Water supply and sustainable management of groundwater resources in Serbia / Vodosnabdevanje i održivo upravljanje podzemnim vodnim resursima u Srbiji, Vodoprivreda, 258-260: 2012/4-6: 225-232.
  244. Antonijević, D., Komatina, M. and Stevanović Z. (2012): Energetic and environmental sustainability of sub-geothermal heat pump heating in Serbia. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 13 (3): 1625-1633.
  245. Stevanović, Z. (2013): Rocks, waters and human habitats. In: Harmony of nature and sprituality of stone, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference, 21-22 March 2013, Kragujevac, Stone studio association, Belgrade, 175-184.
  246. Stevanović, Z., Dulić, I. and Dunčić, M. (2013): Some experiences in tapping deep thermal waters of Triassic karstic aquifer in Pannonian basin of Serbia, Proceedings of IAH Central European Groundwater Conference “Geothermal applications and specialists in groundwater flow and resources”, May 8-10, 2013, Morahalom, Hungary, Edition of University of Szeged, 21-23.
  247. Stevanović, Z. and Milanović, S. (2013): Karst in Serbian hydrogeology: A tradition in research and education, European Geologist, 35: 41-45.
  248. Stevanović, Z., Milanović, S., Dokmanović, P., Ristić-Vakanjac, V., Petrović, B. and Vasić, Lj. (2013): Engineering regulation of karst aquifer as a response to minimal flows in sensitive areas. Proceedings of the International Conference “Waters in sensitive and protected areas”, 13-15 June 2013, Zagreb, 109-112.
  249. Stevanović, Z., Pekaš, Ž., Jolović, B., Radojević, D. and Pambuku, A. (2013): Transboundary aquifers as additional sensitivity factor in managing water in protected or sensitive areas-Examples from Dinaric karst. Proceedings of the Internnational Conference“Waters in sensitive and protected areas”, 13-15 June 2013, Zagreb, 214-217.
  250. Stevanović, Z., Ristić-Vakanjac, V., Milanović S., Vasić, Lj., Petrović, B. and Čokorilo, M. (2013): Tectonic fabric as the main factor for privileged groundwater pathways, discharge regime and thermal properties within the same karstic system of Vidlič Mt. (Serbia). Book of abstracts of the International Symposium on Hierarchical Flow Systems in Karst Regions KARSTFLOW 2013, Budapest, 132.
  251. Vasić, Lj., Milanović, S. and Stevanović, Z. (2013): Genesis and circulation of fresh and thermal groundwater flows in same karstic aquifer-Case examples from the Carpathian karst of eastern Serbia. Book of abstracts of the International Symposium on Hierarchical Flow Systems in Karst Regions KARSTFLOW 2013, Budapest, 138.
  252. Polomčić, D., Hajdin, B., Stevanović, Z., Bajić, D. and Hajdin, K. (2013): Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and an infiltration channel, the case of Obrenovac, Serbia. Hydrogeology Journal, Springer, 21: 1519-1530.
  253. Stevanović, Z. (2013): Climate changes and sustainable exploitation of groundwater – If compromise possible? / Klimatske promene i održiva eksploatacija podzemnih voda-Kompromis je moguć? Proceedings of the V Conference of geologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina, (plenary paper), Jahorina, 124-127.
  254. Stevanović, Z. (2013): Importance of systematic application of EU Water Framework Directive for sustainable development of groundwater resources in the West Balkan / Značaj dosledne primene Okvirne direktive o vodama Evropske Unije za održivo korišćenje podzemnih vodnih resursa na području Zapadnog Balkana. Proceedings of the V Conference of geologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Jahorina, 122-123.
  255. Stevanović, Z. (2013): Global trend and negative synergy: Climate changes and groundwater over-extraction. Proceedings of the International Conference “Climate Change Impact on Water Resources”, 17-18 Oct. 2013, Institute of Wat. Manag. J.Cerni & WSDAC, Belgrade, 42-45.
  256. Stevanović, Z., Dokmanović, P., Milanović, s., Ristić Vakanjac, V., Polomčić, D. and Vasić Lj. (2013): Adaptation and mitigation measures for sustainable use of karst groundwater as a response on climate change - Eastern Serbia case example. Proceedings of the International Conference “Climate Change Impact on Water Resources”, 17-18 Oct. 2013, Institute of Wat. Manag. J.Cerni & WSDAC, Belgrade, 242-250.
  257. Stevanović, Z. (2013): Popular hydrogeology: Is the Danube a karstic sinking streams? / Popularna hidrogeologija: Da li je Dunav karstna ponornica? Zapisnici SGD (Comptes rendus des sceances de la Soc. Serb. de geol.) an. 2012, Belgrade, 93-100.
  258. Vasić, Lj., Milanović, S., Petrović, B. and Stevanović, Z. (2013): Impact of circulation of karstic grounwater on bacteriological water quality / Uticaj cirkulacije podzemnih voda u karstu na pojavu bakteriološkog zagađenja. Vodoprivreda, 264-266, 2013/4-6: 219-230.
  259. Ristić Vakanjac, V., Stevanović, Z., Polomčić, D., Blagojević, B., Čokorilo, M. and Bajić, D. (2013): Calculation of dynamic storage and budget of karst groundwater of Veliko vrelo source (South Beljanica) / Određivanje dinamičke zapremine i bilans karstnih izdanskih voda Velikog vrela (južna Beljanica). Vodoprivreda, 261-263, 2013/1-3: 97-110.
  260. Milanović, S., Stevanović, Z., Vasić, Lj. and Ristić-Vakanjac, V. (2014): 3D Modeling and monitoring of karst system as a base for its evaluation and utilization -A case study from eastern Serbia, Environmental Earth Science, Springer, 71 (2): 525-532.
  261. Polomčić, D., Hajdin, B., Ćuk, M., Papić, P. and Stevanović, Z. (2014): Groundwater supply in Serbia's southeast Pannonian basin. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 9 (3): 97-108.
  262. Stevanović, Z., Ristić Vakanjac, V. and Milanović, S. (2014): On demands to create a new national grounwater monitoring network in Serbia / O potrebi formiranja nove nacionalne mreže za monitoring podzemnih voda u srbiji (Plenary paper of session: Hydrogeology). Proceedings of the 16. Serbian Geological Congress „Optimal research and sustainable usage of geological resources“, 12-15 May 2014, Donji Milanovac, 313-319.
  263. Milanović, P., Stevanović, Z. and Čokorilo Ilić, M. (Eds.) (2014): Field Trip Guide. DIKTAS International conference „Karst Without Boundaries” and the International course and seminar „Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers”, June 2014, 69 pp.
  264. Stevanović, Z. (2014): Brief hydrogeology on the Dinaric karst with emphasis on the SE of the Adriatic basin. In: Field Trip Guide. DIKTAS International conference „Karst Without Boundaries” and the International course and seminar „Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers”, June 2014, 7-17.
  265. Stevanović, Z., Pekaš, Ž., Jolović, B., Pambuku, A. and Radojević, D. (2014): Classical Dinaric karst aquifer - an overview of its past and future. In: Proceedings of the DIKTAS Conference “Karst without boundaries” (keynote paper). Eds. Kukuric, N., Stevanović, Z. and Kresic, N., Trebinje, June 11-15 2014, 23-26.
  266. Stevanović, Z. (2014): Environmental impact indicators in systematic monitoring of karst aquifer-Dinaric karst case example. In: Proceedings of the DIKTAS Conference “Karst without boundaries” (keynote paper). Eds. Kukuric, N., Stevanović, Z. and Kresic, N., Trebinje, June 11-15 2014, 80-85.
  267. Ristić Vakanjac, V., Stevanović, Z. and Čokorilo Ilić, M. (2014): Underground piracy of Raška spring and concept for delineation of catchment area and estimation of karst groundwater budget elements. In: Proceedings of the DIKTAS Conference “Karst without boundaries” (keynote paper). Eds. Kukuric, N., Stevanović, Z. and Kresic, N., Trebinje, June 11-15 2014, 201-206.
  268. Benderev, A., Stevanović, Z., Mihaylova, B., Živanović, V., Kostov, K., Milanović, S., Shanov, S. and Jemcov, I. (2014): Transboundary karst and karst aquifers in West Stara Planina Mts – characteristics and problems. In: Proceedings of the DIKTAS Conference “Karst without boundaries” (keynote paper). Eds. Kukuric, N., Stevanović, Z. and Kresic, N., Trebinje, June 11-15 2014, 125-130.
  269. Stevanović, Z. (2014): Subsurface dams as a solution for supplementary recharge and groundwater storage in karst aquifers in arid areas. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Vol. 5: Eds. Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Guzzetti, F., Culshaw, M., Bobrowsky, P. and Luino F. Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014, Springer International Publication, Switzerland, 471-474.
  270. Parise, M., Closson, D., Gutierrez, F. and Stevanović, Z. (2014): Facing engineering problems in the fragile karst environment. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Vol. 5: Eds. Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Guzzetti, F., Culshaw, M., Bobrowsky, P. and Luino F. Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014, Springer International Publication, Switzerland, 479-482.
  271. Čokorilo, M., Stevanović, Z. and Ristić Vakanjac, V. (2014): environmental aspects of proposed engineering solution for inter-basin transfer in east Herzegovina. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Vol. 5: Eds. Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Guzzetti, F., Culshaw, M., Bobrowsky, P. and Luino F. Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014, Springer International Publication, Switzerland, 515-519.
  272. Milenić, D., Stevanović, Z., Dragišić, V., Vranješ, A. and Savić, N. (2014): Challenges of renewable energy source utilisation at section of future highway E-763 Belgrade-Southern Adriatic across karst plateau of Pešter (Western Serbia). In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Vol. 5: Eds. Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Guzzetti, F., Culshaw, M., Bobrowsky, P. and Luino F. Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014, Springer International Publication, Switzerland, 581-584.
  273. Stevanović, Z. (2014): Some solutions and experiences in tapping coastal karstic aquifers in the Adriatic basin. Spec. Session SS18. Bull. Shk. Gjeol. 1/2014, Special issue, Proceedings of the XX CBGA Congress, 24-26 September 2014, Tirana, 396.
  274. Ristić Vakanjac, V., Stevanović, Z., Maran, A., Vakanjac, B. and Čokorilo Ilić, M. (2014): An example of karst catchment delineation for prioritizing the protection of an intact natural area. In: Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigations in Karst Systems, Eds. Andreo, B., Carrasco, F., Duran J. J., Jimenez, P. and LaMoreaux, J.W. Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer, 1: 387-396.
  275. Vasić, Lj., Stevanović, Z., Milanović, S. and Petrović, B. (2014): Attenuation of bacteriological contaminants in karstic siphons and relative barrier purifiers-Case examples from Carpathian karst in Serbia. In: Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigations in Karst Systems, Eds. Andreo, B., Carrasco, F., Duran J. J., Jimenez, P. and LaMoreaux, J.W. Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer, 1: 449-456.
  276. Stevanović, Z. (2014): Popular hydrogeology: carbonate and evaporitic karst of central and Southern Iran / Popularna hidrogeologija: Karbonatni i evaporitski karst centralnog i južnog Irana. Zapisnici SGD (Comptes rendus des sceances de la Soc. Serb. de geol.), an. 2013, Belgrade, 153-162.
  277. LaMoreaux, J.W. and Stevanović, Z. (2015): Historical overview on karst research. In: Karst Aquifers-Characterization and Engineering. Ed. Stevanović, Z. Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London, 3-18.
  278. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Karst environment and phenomena. In: Karst Aquifers-Characterization and Engineering. Ed. Stevanović, Z. Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London, 19-46.
  279. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Characterization of karst aquifer. In: Karst Aquifers-Characterization and Engineering. Ed. Stevanović, Z. Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London, 47-126.
  280. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Budget and general assesment of karst groundwater resources. In: Karst Aquifers-Characterization and Engineering. Ed. Stevanović, Z. Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London, 171-204.
  281. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Tapping of karst groundwater. In: Karst Aquifers-Characterization and Engineering. Ed. Stevanović, Z. Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London, 299-334.
  282. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Managing karst aquifers - conceptualizations, solutions, impacts In: Karst Aquifers-Characterization and Engineering. Ed. Stevanović, Z. Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London, 403-420.
  283. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Engineering regulation of karstic springflow to improve water sources in critical dry periods. In: Karst Aquifers-Characterization and Engineering. Ed. Stevanović, Z. Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London, 490-530.
  284. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Combat mixture of groundwater and surface waters in karst. In: Karst Aquifers-Characterization and Engineering. Ed. Stevanović, Z. Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, NY, Dordrecht, London , 580-594 (+597-599).
  285. Radulović, Milan, Radulović, Mićko, Stevanović, Z., Sekulić, G., Radulović, V., Burić, M., Novaković, D., Vako, E., Blagojević, M., Dević, N. and Radojević, D. (2015): Hydrogeology of the Skadar Lake basin (Southeast Dinarides) with an assessment of considerable subterranean inflow. Environmental Earth Science, Springer, 74 (1): 71-82.
  286. Stevanović, Z., Ristić-Vakanjac, V., Milanović, S., Vasić, Lj., Petrović, B. and Čokorilo Ilić, M. (2015): Karstification depth and storativity as main factors of karst aquifer regimes: some examples from southern Alpine branches (SE Europe and Middle East). Environmental Earth Science, Springer, 74 (1): 227-240.
  287. Fiorillo, F. and Stevanović, Z. (2015): Introductory editorial thematic issue: Mediterranean karst hydrogeology. Environmental Earth Science, Springer, 74 (1): 1-3.
  288. Ristić Vakanjac, V., Stevanović, Z., Maran Stevanović, A., Vakanjac, B. and Čokorilo Ilić, M. (2015): An example of karst catchment delineation for prioritizing the protection of an intact natural area. Environmental Earth Science, Springer, 74 (12): 7643-7653.
  289. Parise, M., Closson, D., Gutierrez, F. and Stevanović, Z. (2015): Anticipating and managing engineering problems in the complex karst environment. Environmental Earth Science, Springer, 74 (12): 7823-7835.
  290. Stevanović, Z., Dulić, I. and Dunčić, M. (2015): Some experiences in tapping deep thermal waters of the Triassic karstic aquifer in the Pannonian Basin of Serbia, Central European Geology, 58 (1-2): 50–61.
  291. Vujasinović, S., Stevanović, Z. and Zarić, J. (2015): Hydrogeology / Hidrogeologija (Chapter / Poglavlje 3.5). In: Serbian Mining and Geology in Second Half of 20 Ct. / Srpsko rudarstvo i geologija u drugoj polovini XX veka.eds. Vujić, S., Grubić, A., et al., Acad. of Serb. Eng. Sci. (Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije), Matica srpska, Rudarski institut, Beograd, 229-238.
  292. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Development of karst aquifers in the challenging environment of the Eastern Mediterranean basin, Proceedings of the 42. IAH Congress, 13-18 September 2015, AQUA 2015, Topic T.3, IAH, University La Sapienza, Rome, 303.
  293. Stevanović, Z., Marinović, V., Merdan, S., Skopljak, F. and Jolović, B. (2015): Conception of creating basic documents in hydrogeology for river basin management plans / Koncept izrade hidrogeoloških podloga za planove upravljanja rečnim slivovima. Proceedings of I Geological Congress of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Geol Soc. of B&H, Tuzla, 150-151.
  294. Stevanović, Z., Milanović, S. and Benderev, A. (2015): Specific discharge mechanism of some karstic springs in Carpathian-Balkanides / O specifičnom mehanizmu isticanja nekih karstnih vrela u Karpato-balkanidima. Zbornik Odbora za kras i speleologiju SANU (Recueil de Rapports du Comité pour le Karst et la Spéléologie de Acad. Serb. de Sci. et Art), Belgrade, X: 163-186.
  295. Stevanović, Z., Ristić Vakanjac, V. and Milanović, S. (2015): Conception to set up a new groundwater monitoring network in Serbia. Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, (Annales géologiques de la Peninsule balkanique), Belgrade, 76: 47-60.
  296. Stevanović, Z. (2015): Damming underground flow to enhance recharge of karst aquifers in the arid and semi-arid worlds. Environmental Earth Science. Springer, 75:35 DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-5086-z.
  297. Čokorilo Ilić, M., Stevanović, Z. and Ristić Vakanjac, V. (2016): Environmental aspect and potential impact of proposed water transfer scheme in east Herzegovina, Environmental Earth Science. Springer, 75:521, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5147-3
  298. Stevanović Z., Milanović P., 2015: Engineering challenges in karst, Acta Carsologica, 44/3: 381–399
  299. Stevanović Z., Kukurić, N., Pekaš, Ž., Jolović B., Pambuku A., Radojević D., 2016: Dinaric Karst Aquifer – One of the world’s largest transboundary systems and an ideal location for applying innovative and integrated water management, In: Karst Without Boundaries, Stevanović Z., Kresic N., Kukuric N. (eds.), CRC Press/Balkema, EH Leiden; Taylor & Francis Group, London, 3-25
  300. Stevanović Z., Goldscheider, N., Chen Z. & THE WOKAM TEAM, 2016: WOKAM – The world karst aquifer mapping project, examples from South East Europe, Near and Middle East and Eastern Africa, In: Karst Without Boundaries, Stevanović Z., Kresic N., Kukuric N. (eds.), CRC Press/Balkema, EH Leiden; Taylor & Francis Group, London, 39-51
  301. Benderev, A., Stevanović Z., Mihaylova B., Živanović V., Kostov K., Milanović S., Shanov S., Jemcov, I., 2016: Development and protection of transboundary karst and karst aquifers in West Stara Planina Mountains (Bulgaria–Serbia), In: Karst Without Boundaries, Stevanović Z., Kresic N., Kukuric N. (eds.), CRC Press/Balkema, EH Leiden; Taylor & Francis Group, London, 71-86
  302. Stevanović Z., 2016: Creating environmental impact indicators in dynamic karst system – Dinaric karst case example, In: Karst Without Boundaries, Stevanović Z., Kresic N., Kukuric N. (eds.), CRC Press/Balkema, EH Leiden; Taylor & Francis Group, London, 287-310
  303. Milenic D., Stevanovic Z., Dragisic V., Vranjes A., Savic N., 2016: Application of renewable energy sources along motorway infrastructures on high karst plateaus-West Serbia case study, Environmental Earth Science. Springer, 75:35, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5635-0
  304. Stevanovic Z., 2015: Jovan Cvijić: Osnivač karstologije i karstne hidrogeologije. In: Jović V., Kostić A. (eds.) Jovan Cvijić – Život, delo, vreme. Monografija povodom 150 godina od rođenja. SANU i Geograf. Inst. “Jovan Cvijić”, Beograd, pp. 111-140. (ISBN 978-86-7025-677-4). Engl. edition: Jovan Cvijić: Founder of karstology and karst hydrogeology, In: Jovan Cvijić – Life, Work, Times, pp.111-140 (ISBN 978-86-7025-678-1)
  305. Stevanović Z. Fiorillo F., 2016: Sustainable development of karst aquifers in the Mediterranean basin and adjacent areas for water supply: an overview. Plenary paper. Proceedings of the IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, 9-11 June 2016, Belgrade, pp.20-24
  306. Stevanović Z., Marinović V., 2016: The role and importance of hydrogeology in the creation of river basin management plans at a regional scale. Proceedings of the IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, 9-11 June 2016, Belgrade, pp. 180-184
  307. Fiorillo F., Pagnozzi M., Stevanović Z., 2016: The Sanita (Caposele) spring: a fundamental water resource of Southern Italy, Proceedings of the IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, 9-11 June 2016, Belgrade, pp.174-176
  308. Ristić Vakanjac V., Stevanović Z., 2016: A new H2020 project – KINDRA: knowledge inventory for hydrogeology research. Proceedings of the IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, 9-11 June 2016, Belgrade, pp. 200
  309. Stevanović Z., 2016: O stvaranju preduslova za održivo korišćenje resursa podzemnih voda za vodosnabdevanje u Srbiji. Zbornik radova XV Srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Plenarni referat. pp. 1-12
  310. Stevanović Z., 2016: Stanje i perspektive sistematskih hidrogeoloških istraživanja u kontekstu održivog razvoja Srbije. Zbornik radova XV Srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Tematsko predavanje. pp. 107-116
  311. Dokmanović P., Stevanović Z., Hajdin B., Milanović S., Ristić-Vakanjac V., Marinović V., 2016: Koncept proširenja i unapredjenja nacionalne monitoring mreže podzemnih voda. Zbornik radova XV Srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, pp. 159-165
  312. Marinović V., Petrović B., Stevanović Z., Milanović S., Vasić Lj., 2016: Procena kvalitativnog pritiska na podzemne vode na primeru karstnog platoa Babine (JZ Srbija). Zbornik radova XV Srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, pp. 167-172
  313. Ristić Vakanjac V., Stevanović Z., 2016: Projekat KINDRA,- inventor podataka o hidrogeološkim istraživanjima. Zbornik radova XV Srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, pp. 529-532
  314. Stevanović Z., Radić Z., Ristić Vakanjac V. 2016: O potrebi sistematskih primenjenih hidrogeoloških i inženjersko-geoloških istraživanja u kontekstu održivog razvoja Srbije. Plenarno predavanje naučnog skupa „Dostignuća i budući pravci istraživanja u geologiji Srbije“, Štampano u: Zapisnici SGD za 2016, Jubilarna sveska, Beograd, pp. 79-110
  315. Stevanović Z., 2016: The perspectives of further development of karst aquifer in eastern Serbia. Plenary lecture. Proceedings of the conference „GEOSCIENCES 2016“, Bulgarian Geological Society, 7-8 Dec. 2016, Sofia, pp. 157-158







Hydrogeological  exploration in Smederevska Palanka and  Palanacki kiseljak mineral source (Serbia)


Several phases during 1979-1987


Study for optimizing water supply and protecting the mineral water source

Le rapport des recherches hydrogeologiques en region de Laghouat (Algeria)


The Highway Institute, Belgrade



Hydrogeology study for solutions in water supply

Le rapport des recherches hydrogeologiques en region de Oum el Bouaghi (Algeria)

The Highway Institute, Belgrade



Hydrogeology study for solutions in water supply

Water sources protection study

(Nemanja, Serbia; Nikolina voda, Bosnia & Herzegov.)

FMG and the Institute of Health protection of Serbia

1982, 1984


Sanitary protection zones of the springs utilized for water supply

Aquifer control of Beljevina & Zlotska reka (Serbia)




The new tapping structures to expand capacity of the sources for water supply of Bor town

Semi-confined karstic aquifers of Eastern Serbia


Under patronage of Fund for geological exploration of Serbia


Team Leader

Feasibility study for improving water supply of the large towns and industry in the region

Basic Hydrogeological Map of Serbia (sheets: Boljevac, Zagubica, Bor)


Under patronage of Fund for geological exploration Serbia


Team Leader

Methodology, field survey and data evaluation: Maps and Guide book

Regional water supply system “Bogovina” (Serbia)

FMG and Institute for water Management “J. Cerni” Under patronage of Ministry of WR

Several phases during period 1990-1997

Chief hydrogeologist

A new intake structure (system of the wells) for regional water supply of the Timok region

Lithospheric water mineral resources of Serbia


Board of Astro and Geo Sciences of the Ministry of Science of Serbia.

1991-1995 and


Team Leader

Scientific research project for assessing groundwater resources of Serbia and optimize their use

Aquifer control of Nemanja source (Serbia)



Team Leader

New tapping structures for control of aquifer supplying town of Cuprija

Sustainable groundwater use for irrigation purposes in Northern Iraq

FAO / UN (in Northern Iraq)


Technical officer and Head of Groundwater Unit in Water Resources and Irrigation Sector

Complex geological and geophysical surveys, 500 new deep wells, 25 geol. and hydrogeol. maps (1:500.000 -100.000), establishment of GW network (300 water points) creation of GW Database

Remedial measures in water use practices  of  drought affected areas (N.Iraq)

FAO / UN (in Northern Iraq)


Technical officer and Head of Groundwater Unit in Water Resources and Irrigation Sector

Construct more than 100 deep and 200 shallow wells and numerous tapping structures to mitigate the drought in the region

Assessment of water resources and drilling of wells for sustainable use –

3-year programme for Northern Iraq

FAO / UN (in Northern Iraq)


Technical officer and Head of Groundwater Unit in Water Resources and Irrigation Sector

Strategy for exploration, GW management and sustainable use as well as the  monitoring the water extraction effects

Water project - Bottling of promising sources of Serbia & Montenegro

Common Sens / Coca Cola


Chief Hydrogeologist

2-stage study for evaluate and select most promising sources for water bottling

ICPDR project (International Cooperation Project for Danube River)

Institute for water Management “J. Cerni”


Hydrogeologist Consultant

Characterization and delineation of groundwater bodies in Eastern Serbia in accordance with EU WFD

Hydrogeology and prospective in groundwater supply of four selected municipalities in Vojvodina (Serbia)

IK Consulting, Ehting and TZW (Germany)


Hydrogeologist Consultant

Assessment report and two research projects to improve water supply in the region

Environmental impact assessment study - Bekhme dam planning report (Iraq)

ITSC (in Iraq)


Hydrogeologist Consultant

Study and base documentation to assess and mitigate the impact of the designed large dam

Environmental impact assessment study - Taq Taq dam planning report (Iraq)

ITSC (in Iraq),


Hydrogeologist Consultant

Study and base documentation to assess and mitigate the impact of the designed large dam

Water resources assessment of regional groundwater sources of Serbia – control and development of aquifers

FMG, Inst. J.Cerni  and Geological Survey of Serbia Under patronage of Min Envir.  and Directorate od water of Serbia

2006 -


Team Leader of FMG

Implementation of EU WFD, assessment and protection of groundwater resources

Groundwater monitoring network and Aquifer vulnerability map of Serbia

FMG, Inst. J.Cerni and Geolog.Survey of Serbia

Under patronage of Min Envir. and   Directorate of water of Serbia

2006 –


Team Leader of FMG

Implementation of EU WFD, establishment of new Groundwater monitoring network and regional groundwater vulnerability map 1:500.000

Raport d’expertise Barrages: Hammam Grouz, Saf Saf, Ourkiss (Algeria)

ANTB (National Agency for Dams and Water Transfer) Algeria


Hydrogeologist  Consultant

Watertighness assessment of the three reservoirs in Algeria and proposal for remedial measures

SUDEHSTRA (Sustainable Development of Hungarian – Serbian Transboundary Aquifer) INTERREG

EAR (EU Delegation),

FMG, ATIKOVIZIG (HU) and Szeged University (HU)


Project Manager

Transboundary water management, groundwater modeling and sustainability

Karst and karst waters of Western Balkan

Serbian Academy of Science and BulgarianAcademy of Science

2007 – 2009

Team leader of Serbian expert team

Transboundary water management and aquifer vulnerability map

Water supply of Montenegrian coast – Bolje sestre source (Skadar basin)

IK Consulting, Scott & Wilson

2006 - 2009



New intake structure for regional water supply of coastal area of Montenegro (Adriatic Sea)

Rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation of Shida Kartli region, Georgia



Water Resources Consultant

Remedial measures and modernization of

the irrigation system (postwar remedy)

Optimization of sub-geothermal water resources of Serbia


Ministry of Science & Technology of Serbia


Team Leader

Utilization of sub-thermal waters for heating and cooling purposes & increase energy efficiency

Climate Changes and Water Supply (CCWaterS)

SEE Programme ERDF & IPA


Team Leader

Intern. project involving 18 inst. from 9 European countries for assessing impact of climate changes on water resources and prepare mitigation plan for large consumers

Environmental impact assessment study – Khazer – Gomel (Iraq)

IK Cons. Eng. & ITSC (Iraq)


Hydrogeologist Consultant

Study and documentation for mitigate the impact of the designed dam and irrigation of service area

Preliminary report on availability of groundwater resources in alluvial formations of Danube River in Backa region(Serbia)

EPTISA Grupo Espagna (Spain)


Hydrogeologist Consultant

Feasibility Study -Component of municipal infrastructure support programme for selected municipalities in N & W Vojvodina (Serbia)

Hydrogeology for

the project of drinking water plant and water supply of the settlements

of Vrbas municipality

Tahal (Israel) – Fideco d.o.o.


Hydrogeologist Consultant

Hydrogeological assessment and feasibility for expansion of exisiting and opening of new local groundwater sources

Environmental impact assessment study – Bekhme – Mindawa planning reports (Iraq)

IK Cons. Eng. & ITSC (Iraq)


Hydrogeologist Consultant

Study and base documentation for mitigate the impact of the designed dams under different dam heights

Preliminary hydrogeological assessment of selected areas in Samtse Dzongkhag, Bhutan

FAO NRL Rome in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture Royal Government of Bhutan


Senior International Hydrogeologist

Assessment of groundwater availability and proposal for GW tapping

Technical specification of drilling and groundwater testing in Ugyentse Geog, Bhutan

FAO NRL Rome in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture Royal Government of Bhutan


Senior International Hydrogeologist

Design and project for groundwater testing and tapping for irrigation purposes in designated area

Hydrogeology of Mahe Island, Seychelles


Royal Palm Development Company Ltd, Victoria,



Hydrogeology Expert

Groundwater assessment with special emphasis on water bottling and supplying groundwater to the desalinization plants

SWALIM – Somalia

water and land information system -  Hydrogeological Assessment of Somaliland and Puntland

EU and UNICEF in cooperation with FAO as implementing agency (SWALIM Unit for Somalia)


International Hydrogeology Consultant - Team Leader

Groundwater (GW) assessment, HG mapping, remote sensing and GIS GW database.  Establishing the national GW monitoring network and solutions to improve water supply in urban and rural areas

DIKTAS – Dinaric karst transboundary aquifer management

Croatia, B & H, Montenegro, Albania partners / UNESCO & GEF funded project


International Hydrogeology Consultant

Sustainable groundwater use and management of transboundary karst aquifer of Dinaric system (Croatia, B&H, Montenegro, Albania)

WOKAM – World karst map

KIT – University of Karlsruhe, Germany and BRG – Geological Survey of Germany


Member of Advisory Board, reponsible for 47 countries of C,SE Europe, Near and Middle East and E Africa

Creation of GIS Data base of main karstic speleo features and water objects and mapping of different types of karst

Sava River basin management plan in the territory of Bosnia & Herzegovina – groundwater component

Eptisa - Hydroplan


International Consultant

Delination and characterization of groundwater bodies, quantitative and qualitative pressures assessment, GW monitoring network and measures in water practice

Hydrogeology of Jarer and Fafem

Valleys, Etrhiopia



Team Leader

Evaluation of exisiting data and proposals for local aquifers sustainable development

Creation of new, extended groundwater monitoring network of Serbia

Republic Hydrometeorological Survey of Serbia


Team Leader

Analyses and optimization of a new GW monitoring network in compliance with EU WFD

SWALIM – Somalia

water and land information system -  Hydrogeology assessment of the Gedo Region

EU and UNICEF in cooperation with FAO as implementing agency (SWALIM Unit for Somalia)


Team Leader

Groundwater assessment and sustainability, identification of prospective zones for grounwater tapping, programme for improvement of local water practice


Place and date of birth: Belgrade, Yugoslavia: 05/29/1956
Languages: English (very good), French and Russian (fair)